Meeting THE Mitch Albom

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3 years ago

The year is 2014.

My Saturday is supposed to be uneventful because my supposed "meet up" and movie date with friends both have been cancelled, and I was already on my way to the province as early as 8am to spend the weekend peacefully at home. Then I asked Rio if she has seen this movie and if she wanted to see it with me this weekend but she declined because she is attending Mitch Albom's book signing.

Of course, I knew about the signing as early as November the previous year, but I thought it was on a Friday and he's already in Cebu by Saturday because Jov told me so (misleading. But you are forgiven), so I stopped expecting thinking I cannot go on leave at work and won't be able to come anyway. Turned out she was mistaken and both signings were actually on a weekend. 


It is probably one of the most impulsive things that I did in a while, but since the bus is yet to be filled with passengers I got off and head back to the venue for the book signing event. 

We started queueing around 10am when the event is supposed to start at 2pm. We were able to get registered around 1pm and I am already the 1228th person in line. I'm still contemplating if he is going to sign all of them but I cannot stay negative for there are at least hundreds next in line and if they were all positive, why should I not be, right

The event started around 2pm as scheduled with an interview with Mitch Albom where he has discussed a bit of the new book and the other previous books that he has written. His humble beginnings is particularly inspiring especially how he has reaccounted the days where publishers would reject his "Tuesdays With Morrie" and how it is now the best selling memoir that is out there. It is heartwarming how he has wanted to help the people of Tacloban by donating some of his books and urging his fellow authors/friends (Stephen Chbosky, Sophie Kinsella, Ransom Riggs, Nicholas Sparks and the likes) to help.

It is cute how he has sang a bit of an Elvis Presley song as he told the ever attentive fans about their band composing of him and his fellow author friends. What has impressed me the most is his eagerness to reach out with all the expectators from 2pm until the mall closes at 10pm. He did not even have dinner as far as I know and has continued to sign and have photos taken with each of the fans in line. His only "break" is when he would reach out, take selfies with people in front of the stage and he was like "I was told some of you has been here for as early as 4am." Even continuously telling people "Thank you for your patience." When Mitch, we should all thank you for keeping up with everyone, every single one of us in there. 

"Giving is living." 

I'm giving this signed book to my aunt because it is her birthday soon and if not for her and how she's lend me her Albom books, I would not even get to know and get inspired by his works. 

"Everyone is someone."

 We may not always know it but we are affecting people in our own little ways and that we are not worthless, at all. 

The first thing that I told him is that "Thank you for doing this." and it speaks for everything; for staying until it's late and being so nice and for inspiring people with his works. We may both looked exhausted in the selfie that I took from the day that it has been but managed to smile and happiness is evident in both our eyes because truly, it is one of those moments to be treasured in the days to come. 

He promised to come back when the film adaptation of one of his books is out in the country because the Filipinos were so close to his heart. 

And really, just, thank God for people like Mitch Albom.

This is the book that he signed :)

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3 years ago
