After Laughter

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3 years ago

A kind of review

After Laughter is a record that has hit me the most and it is a no-skip album, at least for me. It may have acquired mixed reactions from good old Paramore and fans and it is so underrated but it is (may I dare say) the most genuine and honest record that they have made in their entire career.

The band is also vocal with the fact that it is their favourite record among all the albums that they have previously released.

If Hard Times came right after Brand New Eyes, my younger emo self would definitely not appreciate it as I may be craving for something that is remotely close to their debut and earlier records. I remember having mixed feelings towards Now before, but hearing these today I realised that the self-titled album is necessary for my musical growth as a fan. Safe to say that I have matured as their music went on from one genre to another up to what it is now (80's tinged shenanigans). I grew up with them. Experienced life as they had theirs and I think that is what has made this record more relatable than ever. Gone are the days when I would complain how their music sounded more Hayley Williams-ish rather than sounding like the actual Paramore. I am now appreciating the band's music as it is. 

We all know how they have almost called it quit as most members have left. But Paramore is back and I am ever glad for that. Zac Farro is also back. And me, just like them is still emo, just a proper upbeat.

Rose-Coloured Boy has been on an awful amount of repeat on my player these days. 26 is my ultimate life song and it is what has resonated with me the most. It gives me hope.

Forgiveness, Fake Happy, Grudges. Catchy beat, crazy riffs. Every single song hits me in the face of the realities that we all encounter every day.

On that fleeting moment I realise how fitting the album title really is ("It means that look on a person’s face when they laugh really hard and then there’s this moment where they come back to reality.") and I cannot help but be amazed by how powerful words and music can be.

To end this up, I'd quote Hayley Williams, "Just enjoy the damn music."

$ 2.26
$ 2.26 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
