Wake up with gratitude every morning - Life is a beautiful thing Take a minute and write down 3 things you are grateful for. Think about all the positive things that you can EXPECT to happen today.
I am thankful for the beautiful array of colorful hues stretched across the morning sky. Clouds intermittently glowing. An artist’s masterpiece reminding me that spirit emerges everywhere and within everyone.
I can breathe easily without thought.
When I woke up to see this beautiful sunrise, I said “ Thank you”
When I see compassion, as I have here , thank you.
If I can complete my course on earth, I will say thank you. But I will also say thank you that I completed some of my missions.
If I lightened a burden, I say thank you.
To those who lightened mine, I say thank you.
And where things were not light or easy, I say thank you for lessons learned and yet to be learned or even taught