Planting a Tree:

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1 year ago
Topics: The plant

"The the Earth well. It was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children.

Planting trees:

Planting trees is an easy and effective way to beautify your city , your neighbourhood and your home. Trees provide shade in summer and wind protection in winter. Trees are a great source for providing shelter and food for wildlife and humans . They release oxygen and moisture into the air.

Trees help reduce air pollution and lower the temperature and prevent soil erosion.

Since a tree is such a visible part of the landscape , care must be taken to ensure that proper growth conditions are maintained.

A tree is far more difficult and expensive to plant ; however with some advance planning trees too can be easily maintained.

If you are interested to plant a tree , remember that the first step is choosing a tree that you need to plant. The next consideration should be the climate and then of course the size of the site on which you want to plant the trees . Climate plays a deciding role when determining the appropriate planting time.

Spring and early autumn are generally the best planting seasons. Newly planted trees do best when exposed to moderate temperatures and rainfall because they need time to root and acclimatise before the onset of intense heat and dryness of summer or the freezing temperatures of winter.

Steps to plant a tree;

Choose at least a four to five foot tree. Select a site with enough room for roots and branches to reach full size.

Prepare a planting areas as deep as the root ball.

Dig a hole in the middle of the area .

Plant the root .

Use water to settle soil and remove air pockets in planting areas .

Spread a two to three inch layer of mulch on entire area but not within six inches of tree truck .

Water at least once a week in the absence of rain more often during the height of the summer.

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: The plant
