Consigue tokens gratuitos con los earn de CoinMarketCap
Los earn de CoinMarketCap son asociaciones con proyectos emergentes y de confianza para ofrecer una forma fácil de aprender sobre las criptomonedas, obteniendo criptoactivos como recompensa. Actualmente, las campañas que aún siguen activas son las de 1INCH, GRT, SAND y OXT.
Pasos a seguir:
1. Regístrese en la plataforma:
2. Debe tener cuenta verificada en el Exchange de Binance (piden simples datos personales y documentación de identidad).
3. Ahora vaya a esta página:
4. Vea los diferentes videos de cada criptomoneda con promoción activa y resuelva el cuestionario pulsando "Take the quiz!"
5. Si ha respondido correctamente a las preguntas del cuestionario, sus recompensas se distribuirán automáticamente en su billetera de Binance cuando finalice la campaña.
Respuestas correctas del Quiz de 1INCH:
1. What is the total supply of 1INCH tokens?
Answer: 1,500,000,000
2. What is the name ‘1inch’ inspired by?
Answer: Oriental martial arts
3. A prototype of the 1inch DEX aggregator was created in just 18 hours during:
Answer: ETHGlobal hackathon in New York
4. Sergei Kunz, 1inch co-founder and CEO, used to be responsible for software development at:
Answer: Porsche
5. Currently, 1inch supports most of the well-known protocols, precisely:
Answer: 42
6. Which of these characters invited 1inch to the “Three Comma Club” for hitting 1,000,000,000 USD in volumes for the first time:
Answer: Russ Hanneman
7. Recently, 1inch unveiled a major upgrade of its functionality that was based on an improved algorithm named:
Answer: Pathfinder
8. A unicorn is 1inch’s totem animal, and the first mention of those mythical creatures dates back to:
Answer: Ancient Greece
Respuestas correctas del Quiz de GRT:
1. What is the total supply of GRT tokens?
Answer: 10,000,000,000
2. What is The Graph?
Answer: An indexing protocol for organizing blockchain data
3. What are subgraphs?
Answer: Open APIs that anyone can query
4. What’s the query language used for Subgraphs?
Answer: GraphQL
5. What do Curators do?
Answer: Signal on quality subgraphs by depositing GRT (The Graphs native token) in return for curation shares
6. What are Indexers?
Answer: Node operators that index data and serve queries
7. Why do indexers have to stake GRT?
Answer: For economic security so if they misbehave they can be slashed (lose their GRT)
8. By delegating GRT to Indexers what can you do?
Answer: Help secure the network and make sure there are plenty of indexers to serve and process data for the crypto economy
Respuestas correctas del Quiz de SAND:
1. What is the total supply of SAND tokens?
2. On which blockchain is The Sandbox ecosystem currently developed onto?
Answer: Ethereum.
3. What is the main The Sandbox virtual world primary focus for users?
Answer: Playing games.
4. What is NOT one of the main utility token of The Sandbox ecosystem?
Answer: Stablecoin.
5. What is the name of the NFT Maker creation tool in The Sandbox that lets you make 3D game assets and tokenize them for putting on the Marketplace?
Answer: VoxEdit.
6. How can users monetize their games on The Sandbox?
Answer: All of the above
7. What tokens standards do The Sandbox use for its technology?
Answer: All of the above
8. What can users do with the ASSETS bought on the marketplace?
Answer: Integrate them and Publish their game experiences
Desgraciadamente, parece que ya ha finalizado el plazo para hacer el earn de OXT...