My life story part 1

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3 years ago

Since I was very young I have had to live very strong things from the abuse of my father to the contempt of my mother, if I could really qualify my life I could say that I have 4/10 lake quite low to be realistic, despite so many unpleasant things I always maintain the hope of improving, today at 25 years old I can say that I have the strength and the level of maturity necessary to get ahead by my own means.

At my young age I have been in different jobs starting less than a week ago I was fired, the worst thing is that there was no explanation, I was called to the boss's office and he told me that I would not continue working with them, maybe in another opportunity I would have cried or complained about such a situation but I'm used to people just when they don't need you, they just throw you away, today I only depend on myself, so there is no time to sit and cry and ask for an explanation, that day I had no other option but to pick up my belongings and leave, I can't deny that I was angry because I didn't have a fair explanation of what happened, I don't understand why people behave in such a way, I just wanted to leave and think about my next move.

I was tired of always continuing in the same thing, I wanted a change, so I had to think well what I was going to do, I could not continue walking in a circle like a while locked in a box of lies, then I came up with the idea of my life, I decided to start my own business, maybe I had no idea how I was going to start, the only good news is that no one was going to treat me badly because I was my own boss, I knew well that I had to focus well and manage my savings if I wanted to formalize a good business.

thinking about so many things and looking for ideas that would help me to get ahead in my initiative to be my own boss, I thought about those friends I had met who had a vegetable business, I decided to go to their business, I remembered well that when I arrived they treated me in the best way, very good people really quite nice and simple, maybe that's why they liked me, my humility was something that could be noticed very quickly, so I went straight to the point and I told them my vision, I thought they were going to make fun because I didn't really believe in me either, after several minutes thinking one of them decided to take the floor and told me, Antonio, your idea is good, it's not something we haven't heard before but, do you have any capital? I was clear in answering, No! But I do have what many people lack, the will to get ahead, I need them to trust me, I need them to believe that I can do it because I am entirely doing it.

That day for me was like watching a sunrise on the beach, those men were amazed with my answer, they didn't know what to say, then one of them looked at me and answered; If you really want to be part of the business you must learn about the business, how it works, what you must do to increase profits and get new clients. I could not believe what this man was saying, I felt that they could see beyond and understood that I had that spark, from that moment my life changed completely.

Today I have to undertake a completely new life for me, I do not have enough experience to fight with other entrepreneurs but I have that desire to want to eat the world, I know I can achieve my goals, I was already swimming among sharks, so I had to behave like one, from that moment I put on that "mask" I began to be the man I had to be, boss and co-worker of many people in my charge, I began to run a micro-business of vegetables, quite small but productive enough to spend a whole day taking account and managed all the income and outflows, both money and vegetables.

My story can help many people, I know that if they can see beyond their nose they can see the world that exists out there, the hardest battle is against ourselves, the second battle is against the existing reality that hits us daily and disillusions us many times, the important thing is that we never lose faith in ourselves as people completely capable of getting ahead on their own.

In my need to improve myself, I learned first of all to:

  • To know myself better, to be able to understand better how we really are and why we act in a certain way will help us to know better how to deal with others, to know how to respond and behave when having a conversation.

  • mutual respect, mutual respect helps us to establish parameters and to understand how important it is to maintain certain rules that do not violate anyone's integrity or offend in any way, respecting others helps us to respect ourselves.

  • Self-love, we must love ourselves enough to understand that it is not necessary to expect acceptance by others, nor to go around looking for others to accept us through actions, we only need to love and respect ourselves to be able to maintain a psychological balance.

  • humility, I consider this principle to be fundamental, we must always be simple beings capable of accepting and understanding any situation or circumstance, no matter how difficult it may seem, we must accept it.

  • gratitude for those who give us a hand, it is not too much to receive help from other people as long as they do not have double standards, those people who are always there for us, to have them always present and at all times for any thing they need.


each one of my principles I keep them firmly to my belief that we must be original in everything we do somehow is what differentiates us from others, on the other hand, to develop our own company gives us the necessary plus to seguri forward with any project in the future.

it goes without saying that i am a warrior, i have always been one, living a hard life helped me to understand that i had nothing to lose, on the contrary i had a lot to fight for, i always liked the movies where the main character showed that he could get ahead no matter the circumstances, those movies helped me to never lose faith.

it seems unbelievable but today i am writing my own film, it is about me, everything i have achieved with so little and, all thanks to my desire to want to be someone for myself, it was those mistreatments, scorns, that i received every day that helped me to understand that no matter how hard my childhood had been i could change my future destiny.

What I am telling you today is the story of my life, only a part of it, I would like to continue deepening every part of my being, for me it will be a pleasure to show you every scar, product of every battle.

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Written by
3 years ago
