Toy Story 2: ¡Buzz Lightyear al rescate! (1999) | Revisión retro

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2 years ago
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Es hora de sacar los juguetes del baúl y vivir una de las mejores experiencias jamás hechas para la PlayStation 1. Hubo un momento en que cualquier película que llamara mucho la atención tenía que tener su propia versión de consola, y Toy Story 2 lo tenía bien merecido. Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue es un juego de plataformas desarrollado por Traveller's Tales y distribuido por Activision, lanzado en 1999 para PS1, N64, GBC y un año después para Dreamcast. La película de Disney para niños sobre juguetes que hablan y viven impresionantes aventuras tuvo tal impacto en el público por su gran animación porque en ese momento fueron pioneros en el modelado 3D y además de esa fe por su gran banda sonora de la que la saga hoy es dueña. 4 películas,

La historia se basa muy libremente en la trama principal de la película, esto era casi una norma en adaptaciones de este tipo, por lo que, si esperas conocer la historia como tal detrás de la saga, será mejor que mires la película. Para insinuar parte de ella, se fueron pequeños clips tomados puramente de la filmación, lo que le brinda algo de contexto para la trama. Al principio vemos como un gordo malvado y sin escrúpulos secuestra a nuestro buen amigo Woody, así que ... Buzz Lightyear al rescate, rápidamente resbala y salta para intentar rescatar a su amigo, pero el hombre ya se ha ido en su auto, pero no sin antes haber dejado caer una pista, una pluma. Así iniciamos una aventura de plataformas en 3D en la que tomaremos la vida del buen Buzz y ayudaremos a nuestros amigos, conseguir objetos y derrotar a diferentes villanos.

This title, unlike others like Rugrats: Search for Reptar, is not only oriented for children but also for all kinds of public, it is something remarkable in its complexity. It has 15 levels (3 for every 5 zones) which you decide whether to go through them the easy and fast way or the difficult and slow way, thanks to the fact that the game was made so you can have the option of not collecting objects that you find too difficult or levels that you do not enjoy. The levels are wide and open, they have secret passages, shortcuts and even small oddities. In each level you will find five Pizza Planet tokens hidden in it, although you will only need one of them to complete the level. Always to get three of the five tokens you must collect 50 coins scattered throughout the level to give them to Hamm and five collectibles for some other character, and the third token is always obtained by defeating the mini-boss of the level, ranging from a "small" robot, jackhammers to cowboys, enemies are easy to overcome, but with a large life bar. Buzz defends himself effectively with his spin attack and his laser beam, but even so you will never be able to beat the biggest enemy: the camera, maybe it was on purpose, but the bad optimization of the camera makes the game more difficult than it should be, in open areas you won't notice the flaw, but in closed places or the moments you need precision of where you step on the camera will be your worst frustration.

This is one of the titles whose graphics have aged so well, perhaps with a few small modifications they could become very beloved on mobile platforms, obviously the figures are somewhat lowpoly but taking into account the time and what they managed to cover in a single level we can realize that they were very advanced for that time, There are small details that call much attention, as when aiming in first person view we can see the reflection of Buzz on the helmet cover, also the cinematics are very well implemented with a good amount of frames, which does not burn your eyes just to see it. One of the problems seen in many PS1 games was the depth perception, a problem that is not present in this title, something to be admired as it was always seen in platform games where you had to jump from one point to another.

The audio is one of the strong points of this title, the soundtrack is absolutely fantastic, the ambient melodies of each level to the bosses' own themes are purely dramatic and fit perfectly. Something that stood out quite a lot are the voices of the characters, when passing near them or just standing still we can notice many phrases that have been heard in the movie and others according to the character, although they are somewhat repetitive they are still nice.

Al final el juego es bueno, si omitimos el hecho de la terrible cámara que nos golpea como un mosquito, Toy Story 2 se destaca por sí solo, manteniéndote pegado a la pantalla por más de 5 horas, resolviendo acertijos y saltando plataformas. . Aunque esperaba más de la dificultad de las peleas de jefes, ya que en mi juventud las encontré muy difíciles, quizás mis habilidades como jugador han aumentado pero mis expectativas de una gran batalla murieron con cada uno de sus píxeles. En ese momento, era uno de los 10 mejores de PlayStation, por lo que si estás buscando echar un vistazo al pasado y te diviertes intentándolo, este título seguramente será una gran opción.

Eso es todo por ahora, nos vemos en otro post.

All images and gifs shown here (except the cover) are screenshots made by @Zhoten from a PlayStation One emulator

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2 years ago
Topics: Write, Writing, Game, Gaming, Retro, ...
