Are you a forgiver or an offence keeper?

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3 years ago

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You cannot practice true forgiveness and sincere hospitality,you can only forgive when you understand the true meaning of love.Hospitable people forgives easily those people who offend them directly or indirectly,and forgiveness is of the heart.

Someone can say I have forgiven you but in his heart, there is no forgiveness.

The practice of forgiveness is a Hallmark of Christianity.It is a fragrance that makes you not to revenge when you are meant to.

The reason why you have to forgive people is that most of the time, people who may have wronged you might not even Know they have wronged you.

Don't count on people's I'll, when it comes to forgiveness,be a poor record keeper.stop keeping records of what people did to you because you are not perfect.

Most times when people keep resounding and counting other people's Ill,it really affects their well-being.

We should have a large heart so that we can prosper.people with large heart prosper more than others.we should always have a forgiving heart,we should always forgive people.

Dealing ruthlessly with people who may have physically or spiritually offended you is a sign of immaturity.

If we do not forgive others,God will not forgive us.

Forgive others just the way you forgive your blood.Never sit on or withhold any benefit or entitlement because of a slight quarrel or disagreement with anyone.Release such entitlement even in the face of offence.

God sends rain on the roof of both the good and the no matter what someone may have done to you,learn to forgive and let go.

Forgive people in advance and makes it a lifestyle.Always make provision for offences because they will surely come.

You must have a love seated heart for people and care for them.

The mentality of forgiveness is not a gift you have to consciously develop it.If you do not have the heart to forgive others,God in heaven will not forgive you,and if God does not forgive you,how will he answer your prayers?

Despite your faith,you take to heart every little offence and keep malice with your offenders for days.How will people around you believe that you are a practicing Christian?

When every little thing gets you offended and you are ready to fight back all the time,even when your offenders greet you, instead of answering the person,you will just ignore them and walk away,God in heaven will not be pleased with you.lets learn to forgive and tolerate people's excesses.You can imagine if everyone in the world forgives just like Jesus,the world will be a better place.

If you read your Bible,you would discover that the first time Jesus was to go to Samaria,the Samaritans refused to let him in,the Apostles wanted to retaliate by asking Jesus to call down thunder to strike the people,yet it was that same Samaria that brought the entire city to him.The same people who stopped him from entering their city all came out for him.It is your act of forgiveness that brings people to christ.paying them in their own coins is the reason they think you have not changed.

Look closely at the life of Joseph and his brothers in the Bible.He gave his brothers the best in Egypt despite all they did to him.Lets imitate the act of forgiveness.

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3 years ago
