Ways to Relieve Anxiety and Embrace Joy

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2 years ago

When people don't know what's going to happen in the future, they tend to be anxious. Anxiety is the term used by psychologists to describe this uneasy feeling. As common as these sensations are, it is crucial to learn a variety of ways to quit worrying and adopt a more cheerful outlook. The following are five methods for achieving this objective.

1. Take advantage of the Progressive Muscle Relaxation Method.

The muscle tension that occurs with concern can be reduced by practicing progressive muscle relaxation. In order to induce relaxation, a person must intentionally relax all of the muscles in his or her body, which in turn reduces mental strain. Concentrate on relaxing one muscle group at a time before moving on to the next. Keep going until the tension subsides. Please repeat if necessary. It's possible to acquire this technique with the help of a therapist.

2. Stop What You're Doing

When one's thoughts are consumed by worry, it forms a mental cycle that is tough to break. The pattern can be broken by introducing a new thought or sensory stimulation in the middle of it. Take a pause to play a problem-solving game, read a chapter of a favorite book, or change your surroundings for a few minutes if you find yourself in a spiral of worrying thoughts. Thoughts of self-worth and positivity can also be helpful in breaking the cycle of worry and fear.

In addition, physical activity can be beneficial. In addition to providing a wealth of sensory inputs, physical activity may also release endorphins and serotonin, two hormones that help alleviate stress. Anxiety hormones are reduced as a result of physical activity, allowing you to relax.

3. Breathe in and out in a controlled manner

This "flight or fight" mode is activated when you're anxious and worried. If there is a physical threat, this faster breathing rate can supply your body with the extra oxygen it needs to respond quickly. The majority of today's concerns don't necessitate the addition of additional fuel. As a result, symptoms such as dizziness, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet, cold hands and feet, and an accelerated heart rate can occur. This is because the oxygen-to-carbon dioxide ratio in your body is upset by the additional oxygen. Here's what you can do to recover control:

  • Calm down: If you're able to, take a seat or lay down. Breathing can be slowed down by adopting a more relaxed posture.

  • Breathe in for about four seconds, then exhale. The diaphragm, not the upper chest, should be used to fill your lungs to capacity.

  • For roughly two seconds, hold your breath. As a result, your body will utilise the oxygen already present in your lungs to restore the gas balance.

  • Breathe out for six seconds, if possible, via your nose. Pause for a moment, and then restart the process.

  • Repeat: Repeat as many times as necessary to help you overcome your anxiety. Practicing this practice at least once or twice a day will help alleviate the symptoms of long-term anxiety.

4. Plan a Worry Session

Studies have shown that persons who have a tendency to worry excessively can benefit by setting out a time each day to contemplate their anxieties. Determine the thoughts that make you anxious. If writing things down helps, do so. Set aside a time and location to ponder these ideas. When the moment comes, go to the location you've selected to contemplate these difficulties. You can come up with solutions at this period. Think of something else to occupy your mind if you find yourself thinking about one of these difficulties outside of the designated location or time. Keep in mind that you have the rest of the time in your schedule to return to that thought.

5. Keep Positive People in Your Circle of Friends

A person's emotions can spread to others. When you're feeling anxious, you don't want to be around folks who complain, criticize, or look for the worst in everything. Avoid their company as much as possible, but don't reject them completely. If you're feeling down, look for people who are more positive. The ability to cope with adversity is enhanced by having supportive relationships, according to research. As well as boosting your self-esteem and self-confidence, surrounding yourself with positive people can help you minimize your anxiety.

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2 years ago
