Immunity and Its Implications for COVID 19

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1 year ago

When persons with a weakened immune system get the viral COVID-19 infection, it has been well established that they may develop significant illness as a result. Immunity is critical in determining how a disease will progress and how long it will last. While we anxiously await the development of a COVId-19 vaccine that is effective, human immunity continues to be the most efficient barrier against invading viruses.

5 Tips for Developing a Robust Immunity: A healthy outer begins with a healthy within!

1. Maintain a healthy body weight by eating a well-balanced diet.

Consume a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables.

Maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels requires a low-fat, low-carb, and high-fiber diet.

Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are all essential elements for immune system building and maintenance.

A deficit in vitamins and minerals increases the likelihood of contracting an illness. Supplements should only be taken if your levels are below ideal in order to avoid toxicity, and only under medical supervision. Diet alone should be sufficient to replace the normal dose.

Infection severity and fatality rates associated with COVID-19 infections have been found to be strongly correlated with vitamin D insufficiency, according to research.

The virus itself is not the primary cause of acute lung discomfort in COVID-19 infected people; rather, it is the result of an overactive immune system.

Healthy levels of Vitamin D help to keep the immune system under control and prevent it from becoming too active..

Egg yolk, fortified meals, and fatty fish are some of the sources.

Supplementation with vitamin C and zinc is also advised in cases of insufficiency. Table 1: Immunity-boosting Foods

  • Foods

  • Sources

  • Properties

Fruits and vegetables are good for you.

Citrus fruits (oranges and lemons), bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, and papaya are all good choices.

Vitamins C and E, beta carotenes, and antioxidants are all important.


Almonds, sunflower seeds, and other nuts and seeds

Vitamin E and proteins are two of the most important nutrients.

Flax seeds and walnuts are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health.

Raisins, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds are all good options.



Garlic and gooseberries are among the ingredients (amla)

possesses antiviral properties


Turmeric, ginger, and black pepper are some of the spices used.


Several Ayurvedic immunity-boosting techniques have been proposed by the Ministry of Ayush to help prevent and battle viral illness.

Drink plenty of warm water throughout the day, sip by sip.

Include immunity-boosting spices in your diet, such as coriander, turmeric, cinnamon, cumin seeds, and garlic, among others.

Drink herbal tea/decoction made from Tulsi, cinnamon, black pepper, dry ginger, and raisin. Tulsi, cinnamon, black pepper, dry ginger, and raisin are all good for you.

During a dry cough or sore throat, inhale steam containing fresh Mint leaves or Caraway seeds, or take clove powder combined with honey as a gargle.

2. Make sure you drink lots of water...

Drinking enough of water is essential for flushing out toxins and other microorganisms from the body. Consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.

3. Reduce your stress levels.

Stress has been shown to decrease or reduce immunity.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by being active, practicing pranayama and meditation on a daily basis, learning new things, engaging in hobbies, and laughing out loud.

Avoid using tobacco and consuming alcoholic beverages.

4. Get a good night's sleep.

A decent night's sleep of 7-8 hours offers immune-boosting properties.

5. Exercise on a regular basis

Regular exercise, such as yoga, walking, spot jogging, floor exercises, and other forms of physical activity, are necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system.

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1 year ago
