How to Remain Calm in the Face of Adversity

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2 years ago

While stress is a natural part of modern life, if you frequently find yourself in stressful circumstances and feel worried or overwhelmed while attempting to resolve them, you may benefit from learning some coping methods to help you maintain your composure.

Pressure can trigger the body's "fight or flight" response — an evolutionary strategy that produces chemicals that prepare you to fight or flee from danger. Stress generates these hormones in modern times, but they are less effective when the "danger" comes from making a presentation at work rather than being confronted by a wild animal. If you frequently experience anxiety or panic, your fight or flight response is probably being activated too frequently, and it's beneficial to learn how to calm yourself down when this condition is provoked.

1. Take a Protracted Breath

Deep, calm breathing signals the body to stop releasing stress hormones and begin to relax. Concentrating on your breathing can also assist to divert your mind away from whatever is bugging you, allowing you to focus exclusively on the present moment.

Inhale deeply through your nose - your breath should extend all the way to your stomach, not just your chest. Hold for a moment before slowly exhaling through your mouth. Take a few minutes to focus just on your breathing and you should rapidly feel more at ease.

2. Concentrate on the Positives

Constantly picturing the worst-case scenario in any situation is referred to clinically as catastrophic thinking, and it can exacerbate anxiety and feelings of panic.

Rather than concentrating on bad features or outcomes, try to focus on the positive for a few moments. If, for example, your bathroom is flooded and you must replace all of the flooring, this may be a very stressful situation. However, try to keep in mind that it allows you to update and renovate, and the repairs should be covered by your insurance.

Maintaining a good attitude enables your brain to avoid stress and remain calm.

3. Take Enough Sleep

When you haven't gotten a decent night's sleep, everything seems worse. Stress and worry frequently result in insomnia, trapping you in a vicious cycle of being unable to sleep and then feeling worse due to a lack of sleep.

Prioritize sleep, especially if you're under a lot of stress. Get a good night's sleep and keep electronic devices out of the bedroom. Lavender essential oil can also help you feel peaceful and sleep better at night.

4. Take a Walk

take a walk to maintain your composure under duress

Exercise is just as critical as sleep in terms of managing stress and coping with external strain. Exercise stimulates the production of feel-good hormones and aids in the clearing of the mind.

If you're under pressure at work, even five minutes of fresh air and a change of scenery can help you regain your composure and obtain a new perspective on the problem - you'll probably realize it's not a life or death scenario in the first place.

5. Meditate

Meditation has been shown to lower stress and really alter the brain over time, enabling you to better manage your emotions and maintain calm during times of stress.

If you believe that meditation requires hours of sitting cross-legged and chanting "om," you could not be more wrong — simply a few minutes of sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing is useful. Additionally, you can use apps such as Headspace or Calm.

6. Exercise Gratitude

Gratitude for all you have in life – no matter how insignificant – can help you keep things in perspective and maintain a pleasant attitude.

Researchers have shown that persons who keep a daily gratitude journal had reduced cortisol levels - the stress hormone. Consider spending a few minutes at the end of each day writing down five things for which you are grateful and observing how much better you feel as a result.

7. Assemble a circle of positive individuals around you.

You probably know a few folks who may cause you tension simply by being around them. While it is not always possible to eliminate these people from your life totally, when you are stressed, make an effort to spend more time with supportive, upbeat friends and family who will raise you up rather than bring you down.

Rewire Your Brain for a More Calm Life

While you cannot predict what life may throw at you next, you can learn to cope with stressful situations and manage stress in a healthy manner. Making a conscious effort to practice some of these tactics the next time you feel stressed will help you remain cool and capable of dealing with any scenario.

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Written by
2 years ago
