Movie night

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3 years ago
Topics: Fiction

I was in my family's house and my father gave me a new Sony Ericsson M111 which he got from his job. I started trying out the phone to see if I wanted to keep it or not but we started watching a movie in the TV.

In the movie, there were meteorites falling from space, deploying legs and hands and transforming into humanoid monsters that could jump from building to building with ease. They would attack women to steal their hormones by consuming them or sucking their blood. I now was Halle Berry and I was kicking and fighting these humanoids inside a house.

After kicked the butts of these humanoids I wanted to blow up the whole house with them so we rigged all the light bulb sockets in the house with explosives. We switched on the first set of light switches and something exploded in a different room. We switched on another set of light switches and something else exploded. But for some reason I did not turn on the third and final set of light switches. Instead I let the humanoids survive a little longer so that I could take a better look at them and describe them to a friend of mine over my handheld radio. My father exclaimed "Doh, are they really going to show us how the monsters looks now??".

The monster looked like a regular human. It looked a bit like G-Man from Half-Life. Another monster looked a bit like Steve Carell. Sometime earlier I had also seen someone who had removed his scrotum and replaced it with a pretzel but this was something like an advertisement which claimed that you could then put your hands through the pretzel to lift your testicles whenever you want.

Because I didn't kill these humanoids when I had the chance, they recovered, became aggressive again, pulled me into a room and I couldn't escape. I was able to mimic their ability to jump from wall to wall and I did that to escape their grasp as they were trying to kill me. Eventually I was high up in one of the walls while the humanoid monsters were standing below me, holding one laptop each, and making hormone-related puns and jokes. One of the humanoids tried to spit on me a very big lump of snot that he called "big ball" (and yes this was a horrible testicle joke) but missed he me.

After a while I managed to escape by breaking the screen of Steve Carell's laptop. "And what did you achieve by that?" he said but once he saw that the screen was broken, he froze for a moment, and I used the opportunity to try to escape the house. Once I reached and opened the main door of the house, a very strong stream of air started flowing into the house, pushing me back inside but I did manage to overcome it and closed the door behind me.

Once outside, I was in my grandfather's birthplace. I started running down the road (and even crawled part of the way) while trying to look back to the door of the house to see if the humanoids were after me. I had trouble seeing the door and eventually I saw them coming out of it. I thought of entering a nearby house but decided against it because that was the house of some really old ladies and I felt like it would turn this into a nightmare.

I kept running down the road until I looked up: A new, huge, dense swarm of meteorites covered the whole sky and was falling towards the earth. I could already hear the thuds of some of the meteorites as they impacted the earth while women were running in panic everywhere around me trying to escape the new humanoids that these meteorites were turning into.

It was nighttime. The humanoids had now lost all their non-human characteristics, and looked almost like regular humans with slightly pointy ears and a little bit vampiric. As I looked uphill, I saw inside the dark the black shape one of the humanoids jumping from lamp post to lamppost coming towards me along the road. I realized that I did not have enough time to enter a house to protect myself. So I decided to lie down on the road and close my eyes and hope that the humanoid would ignore me and chase some other woman. The last thing I saw was the humanoid jumping right above me and landing 1 meter away from me. But I knew he noticed me and that he had now turned towards me. I felt him come over me and grab my hands (which I was using to cover my face) and he tried to pry them apart so that he could bite me and drink my blood.

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Avatar for ZeusOnPills
3 years ago
Topics: Fiction


Amazingly written

$ 0.00
3 years ago

oke article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

its oke

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah it's appreciating..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is very good,appreaciate your writing

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Movies are my love and you written well your experience The monster looked like a regular human. It looked a bit like G-Man from Half-Life. Another monster looked a bit like Steve Carell. Sometime earlier I had also seen someone who had removed his scrotum and replaced it with a pretzel but this was something like an advertisement which claimed that you could then put your hands through the pretzel to lift your testicles whenever you want..... Best part

$ 0.00
3 years ago