In Our lives we give so much attention to other things that doesnt concern us.
If the 1st sentence bothers you because of a wrong grammar or spelling ,well I don’t give a shitt.
In my 26 years of my existence I have given so much fucks to people and those fucks doesn't change me even a tiny bit of fucks.
Today I will help you to end the rapid spending of fucks ,if you don’t want to read these its ok I don’t give a fuck either.
Whatever you do people will always say shit behind your back so just ignore it and don’t give a fuck.
Stop explaining yourself to others they don’t give a fuck about your life. If Trevor ask you “what do you do for a living ? “ he just want to know if your earning more fucks than him. So drink your beer and answer the damn question and tell him that you are an astronaut and you don’t give a shit“ I don’t know who he was but I don’t like a guy named Trevor .
I don’t know Trevor but I know Tim , Tim doesn’t give a fuck.
Tim doesn’t have an iPhoneX he uses android, Tim doesn’t give a fuck.
Tim earns 800$ per week ,tim works hard .Tim Doesn’t give a fuck
We should set our mind like the way Tim thinks.
Tim go works every morning, goes home with a bag of groceries.
Tim eats dinner, Drink beer .Tim kisses his wife.
Tim fucks or maybe not . I don’t give a fuck for Tim, because Tim doesn’t give a fuck either.
People ask question to know if they will respect you or not.
People think that you are a fucking loser because you care so much. So you better take your shit together and pack your fucks and focus on your goal.
Always remember don’t give a fuck to things that doesn’t concern you .
Don’t be fucking pussy .Don't look at the neighbors fence or bowl or whatsoever. I don’t give a fuck.
Drink your beer go to your wife or partner and kiss her .he/she deserve your fucks.
Think where to spend your fucks.
Be your own person get a life .
Focus on your goal maybe someday people will give you a fuck. And when that day comes YOU SHOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK .
I don’t want to apologize for the wrong spelling and grammar errors . I don’t give a Fuck.
Thank you . World PEACE…Smartass
haahah that's bold dude