Suspicious death (The conclusion)

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3 years ago
Topics: Fiction

Detective Morrison finished dinner. And fell asleep at night. I, Detective Morrison, got up in the morning, left all my work, and went out with the police force to surrender myself to the two men involved in the murder. I took the police force to the Sufis' house because there were people involved in the killings. And Lily's new father, the husband of Lily's mother, killed this brutal barbarian. As soon as I entered the Sufi's house, I handcuffed Lily's step dad and arranged for her to be remanded in a police car. Another person involved in the murder, on the other hand, is Lily's real father, Mr. Harris. Although his crime is not very serious, he is a criminal in the eyes of the law. When we applied to the court to remand Lily's step father, the court granted us a 3-day remand. The purpose of taking Lily's step father into remand is to find out how he accomplished this heinous act.

The way we, the police force and detectives, identified the two was at night when Lily's mother was killed. According to the forensic report, Lily's mother was killed around 12 midnight. We collect a CCTV footage in the middle of the street about 500 meters from Lily's mother's house. As we can see, Mr. Harris entered Lily's mother's house that evening. He had polythene in his hand so that some chocolate could be seen. That was probably what he took for Lily. At about 11 o'clock that night, Lily's stepfather was seen entering their home. But 10 minutes later, her ex-husband, Mr. Harris, was seen leaving the house. But 3 hours later, Shirley's current husband is seen coming out of her house. Apparently Lily's mother's current husband is thought to be murdered. Because if he didn't kill, why did he run away from home that night? I will remand the two in a while to unravel all those mysteries.

Remand episode (Mr. Harris)

I- Why did you hide it from us that even after your marriage you used to visit Lily's mother's house almost every day?

Mr. Harris: Why would I tell you about our secret relationship where there is no harm without love?

- What was the secret relationship between you? Why did you kill Lily's mother for not having that secret relationship with you?

- I didn't kill Lily's mother, and neither did Lily, because I loved Lily's mother and Lily so much. That is despite having my wife. Lily's Mao loved me so much that we had an illicit relationship. We had sex almost regularly. Because her husband did not stay at home. Which was an advantage for us.

--Did you go to Lily's mother's house for the same purpose the night Lily's mother was killed?

- Yes! But I came back home after having sex with Lily's mother that night. I didn't kill Lily's mother. Mr Harris burst into tears. We also realized that Lily's mother's ex-boyfriend didn't kill Lily's mother and Lily.

Remand Episode (Lily's Step Dad)

I- You came home that night but why did you run away from home in the middle of the night?

Lily's step dad- I went home that night but I wasn't ready at all to see anything like that back home. Entering the house, he saw that my wife was intimate with her ex-boyfriend! How can I accept it? I became very angry. He sees my little girl sitting in the next room eating chocolate. So I go to another room and sit and think while my wife is having sex with another boy. Then I realized that the boy had left the house. Then I startled my wife Shirley by showing it, I returned home. My wife is really shocked to see me. The two of us eat dinner, give the little girl a lot of chocolate and give her a little caress. Before going to bed at night I go to have sex with my wife and have sex. Then! I killed him in bed with a sharp knife. I realized that my daughter was not actually my daughter. The girl is my wife's ex boyfriend. I could not accept such a big deception with me. Which is why I kill the little kid too. I made a big mistake in a fit of rage but I didn't want to do it at all. I also loved my wife and daughter very much. But on the other hand, I could never imagine such false love. The little girl did not do anything wrong, but what will she do when she grows up? His mother was a prostitute. I couldn't think of much at that moment but everything that came to my mind was negative. So I kill Shirley and Lily. And her boyfriend was not to blame for the murder. I admit my guilt.

Shirley's husband was produced in court and sentenced to death in a Section 144 statement. Her execution was carried out within 7 days of the execution order, and Shirley's ex-boyfriend was pardoned and released from prison.

What did my fictional story was? Today's episode was the last episode. If you like this story I will try to write more stories in the future. Thanks

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3 years ago
Topics: Fiction
