Now I have been using Brave Browser for a while now and have amassed a little stockpile of BAT. And while normally I want to keep my BAT because I believe in the Browser and I take pride in owning that much BAT I was left with no other options but to spend my BAT. That is not where I started at though. I started with wanted to swap all my FARM, Ampleforth, Hydro, BMB (basically all my Publish0x tokens).
I have most of those tokens in my Trust Wallet (which I don't like anymore, but more on that at a later time). Trust Wallet has a built in DEX that lets you buy and sell and trade your crypto. What I didn't know at the time was that the swap pairs are not what I wanted. I was able to successfully swap my FARM for Ethereum and Ampleforth for Ethereum. Or so I thought, I paid the Ethereum gas fees and "lost" the source tokens but have still yet to receive the Ethereum so that's cool. $60 lost somewhere, maybe I will get it back, maybe I wont. It turns out that I shouldn't have even bothered with this step as it wasn't enough anyways.
It was at this time I decided to check out and create an account and find the graphics card I wanted. I found it and put in my cart and went to the pay screen. I was given the option to pay in Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, and I think Dash. There may have been 1 more that I can't remember. With that in mind I knew that I was going to have to pay in Ethereum. A lot of my tokens were Ethereum based and it was going to be the easiest solution. Now as a note to anyone who wants to go down this road keep in mind to use you need to have MetaMask installed on your browser. Luckily I had it and have like $4 in Eth already in it.
It was at this point that I started to get really annoying with Ethereum and their gas fees. Here you can see I had 96 BAT in my Uphold account. I wanted to send it to my MetaMask account and was going to have to pay $12 to send $71 of BAT. That is stupid.
The future is here tokens who will start leading world cryptocurrency markets as ampleworth and polkadot...