Know WHAT to RUSH and WHEN its NOT

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3 years ago
Topics: Awareness

Rushing is an urgent move that you could do to something or needed to pay attention immediately but it doesn't mean that you need to rush all the time. There are moments that you need to rush and there are moments that rushing is not the best option to do.Why? because rushing can lead to a bigger problems when your are not being careful in deciding your decisions. A lot of people only think about their dreams when talking about rushing but no, there many circumtances that you need to rush and when not to rush.

Moments that you need to rush/What to rush

  • Prioritizing senior citizen, people with disabilities, pregnant women in a bus or helping them crossing at the highway.

    You need to prioritize them in a bus by giving them your seat. You need to rush before something happen to them. You don't need to think twice becuase there will come a time you will experience what they have been experiencing now. And it should be common sense to you helping people in need.

  • Paying bills (water bill, current bill, internet consumption, BIR, TAX , hospital bills, Debt or any other bills that had deadline)

    Yes you need to rush paying your bills before the deadline because when you didn't meet the deadline you will be fine or get penalty from the management or worse the management will disconnect you from the services they offer. You need to rush the bills because it will cause you more problems after.

  • Requirements in the school

    There are many circumtances that some teachers gave you many project but giving you short time to do it. This is crazy epecially when you also have a lot of exam. You need to pass all your requirements before the alotted time or else your grades will suffer or worse you will not graduate on time.

  • Rushing pregnant woman in the hospital before her delivery

    You need to hurry pregnant woman before her delivery because she needed medical assistance right away.Its for the safety of the baby and the mother. You need to rush but be careful in driving.

  • To get employed after graduation

    Yes, you need to get employed after graduation or if you want to rest for a months its okay but not forever. Because you need to be independent from your parents also and you need to save money for your future but it should be come into your own pocket.You need to get employed especially when your family needed help immediately or hoping you to lift up your family.

  • Cleaning your house before visitors came

    You need ro rush cleaning your house before the visitors came for you to not get embarassed especially when you are all girls in the house for girls are expected to be more clean, organize and neat than men. Some people made their house clean especially when they are expecting famous visitors.

Circumtances that you dont need to rush/When not to rush

  • Entering into invesment

    Investing of money or capital to company or to someone is something that you don't need to rush. Why?you may get scam if you're not being careful in trusting the company or the person who is persuading you to invest.

    This kind of matter needed time to think, time to research, time to verify information, time to ask opinion.This could help you especially if you're a first timer because you could easily persuaded with the easy to get money.But mind you be careful of the scammers.You could be one of their target but don't forget don't rush for this matter needed time to think properly.

  • Dreams in life

    In pursuing your dreams there's always a perfect time for it.Don't rush especially if you're still studying beacuse you could neglected your studies. Still your studies is more important than anything else.Focus first on your studies then after that start your new journey in life.See? there is a process that you need to follow that rushing can lead you to forget the process if your're not being careful.They say that always trust the process.One step at a time.

  • Getting Married

    Don't rush in getting married if you are still young.You may miss the life of being youth. Enjoy your single days first don't stole that from yourself. It would be nice getting married at the right time or right age with a stable job. Get married when you know to yourself that you are already matured enough in handling relationship and to build your own family.

  • To have a baby

    Don't rush yourself dreaming for a baby especially if you are still studying, your parents will get disappointed with you if you get pregnant right away and your good future is at risk because you have to priority your baby. If you want a good future with your baby in the future study first then have good career then decide if you still want a baby.

  • Buying stuff

    Don't rush in buying many stuff especially if not emergency or its not being needed.Buy only those things that is important and needed.Why?because you need to save money for your savings and for emergency purposes.Spend your money wisely its for your own good

Knowing when to rush and what to rush is very important because that will serve as your guide in achieving your goals in your life. And you will not get pressured if you know the things that needed time before you pursued them.

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3 years ago
Topics: Awareness
