Learn about Read cash.

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Avatar for Zarii950
3 years ago
Topics: Blogging

Read. cash is a crypto blogging platform with unique features of its own.

Be a content creator/ creator. Write and publish interesting and original articles in categories you fancy. ...

Earn thru Upvotes and Random Reward Points. ...

Participate in Giveaways. ...

Get Sponsor. ...

This site is legit! Signing up for read. cash is fairly intuitive and takes only a few minutes to get started. The first thing the website does after you press the 'register' tab on the top right side of the screen is give you a simple rules disclosure notice.

Read. Cash as explained by them is a “platform where you can publish content (articles with images and videos) and earn Bitcoin Cash cryptocurrency (ticker: BCH) for doing so. If a reader likes your content - he or she can upvote your post by sending some amount of Bitcoin Cash (BCH) to your online wallet.”

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