Hi everyone. I hope everyone is doing well.
Guys look at the picture. What do you think??
Ithink it's true. Maturity has nothing to do
with your age. Mature means fully growth of
mentally and physically. But now days we act like immature. Maturity has nothing to do with your age. Maturity can comes at any age. It can age 10 or it can be 40. As my knowledge maturity don't comine suddenly. What have I known from books, journals. And in real life when a person face
so many problems but their is no one to hear
or no one to help that time a person can feel
his growth. And that time he realize he have
to walk his own, fight his own. That time he
became mature. My sister always say
something when you will fall that time you
can realize your maturity. Maybe its not true
for everyone. Some people became mature
with their age.
But now days we all act like immature.
Because of some reasons. Maybe because
take part in a competition with everyone.
That's all. If there is any mistakes please
help me to correct it. And tell me your
opinion. Thank you
Nice post