4 things that tell you that this man is not good for you

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3 years ago

Every woman dreams of the day when she finds a knight of her dreams, to create her life and complete it with him, and it's certain that each woman has special characteristics in her life partner that she could also be interested in if she finds her during a person, but hey woman, you want to have another considerations within the man Which you'll satisfy as a partner and complement to your life, and thru this text we'll present some things that tell you that this man isn't suitable for you until you avoid them and avoid the person you discover is characterized by this stuff

1- To be miserly

The key to failure in any relationship is stinginess and miserliness and not fulfilling the requirements of the house , wife and youngsters , and it's certain that the amount during which each party tries to precise his good qualities, so if you notice any signs of miserliness during that period, make certain that it'll not change later which it'll remain like this. So you ought to avoid the curmudgeon, regardless of what percentage other qualities you discover in him.

2- Being jealous and always suspicious of your behavior

Jealousy and suspicion destroy any relationship and destroy its future, and thus you want to confirm that this man is moderate in his jealousy and not with suspicion, which he be confident in you and differentiate between love, fear and jealousy. Married life continues.

3- Lack of appreciation

Always be proud and assured in yourself, and don't give anyone the chance to belittle you or treat you with disrespect for your person, as mutual respect and appreciation is that the right thanks to any successful relationship and life isn't straightforward without appreciation, so don't leave anyone, albeit the person you liked would diminish your destiny.

4- Holding on to opinion

Some men believe that the discussion and exchange of opinions between him and his fiancée or wife detracts from his manhood which they never accept taking her opinion albeit it's in their minds that they're not right and that you're right. Such a person who is characterized by selfishness and dictatorship makes life difficult with him because his preoccupation will always be implementation His opinions and decisions, albeit they kill the family.

You should, dear girl, be slow to settle on your life partner, because marriage may be a fateful connection where goals unite, the longer term unifies, and your present and future becomes one thing.

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3 years ago
