Reasons why the husband does not want to have sexual intercourse

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Are you worried about your husband's unwillingness to have sexual intercourse? And your cock continues to think to see what are the reasons why a husband does not want to have intercourse? This is to try to treat these causes and enjoy a balanced intimate relationship. Perhaps the husband's loss of sexual drive is caused by a combination of his own emotional and physical factors and is not always associated with you. We try to address these causes according to what experts say in intimacy. Once the wife realizes the husband’s unwillingness to practice intimacy, she should try to address these things so that she does not have a problem. Instead of accusing the husband that he does not see you as sexually attractive, which can add to the problems.

The woman must try to understand the factors that affect the husband's desire. The following is a group of reasons why the husband is not interested in having sexual intercourse. Although there are a different set of factors that cause a decrease in the desire for sexual intercourse in a man, there are a set of main reasons that can affect a man of any age.

Reasons why the husband does not want to have sexual intercourse

1- Male menopause:

Jane O'Connell, medical director and co-founder of the Silvana Institute of Medical Aesthetics in Frederick Bollard, Maryland, recalls, “It might be strange when first heard, but many health experts say that there is menopause in women and menopause in men because men are also experiencing physical changes with Old age. It is normal for them to have a somewhat reduced sex drive.

What do you do in this situation? Many men always turn to the blue pill, but resorting to medical treatment may not be the best approach. Although the wife wears sexy underwear, it does not affect the husband's desire to engage in intimacy. Therefore, it is necessary to talk to the husband about his feelings and his psychological and sexual needs.

2. Pornography addiction:

A sensitive topic among psychologists and sex therapists, as some say pornography can ignite the passion in an intimate relationship, while others argue that it destroys the intimate relationship. In general, most experts agree that when a husband becomes addicted to pornography, he destroys the relationship completely.

Where the husband begins to depend on pornography to be the motivation instead of relying on his wife, according to Les Bauert, Ph.D. in Psychology, there can be nerve hormones in the brain and chemicals that create a cocktail in the body that researchers believe is similar to cocaine addiction.

The reason why porn addiction weakens the husband's desire to have sexual intercourse is that it increases the husband's expectations about intercourse that become unrealistic, and thus the husband does not become satisfied with the performance of his life partner. Treating this problem may become difficult and it requires the husband to acknowledge the problem and put in place guarantees to prevent himself from falling again.

3. Low testosterone level:

According to estimates, there are up to 13.9 million American men suffering from low testosterone, which is also known as hypogonadism, which is the cause of low testosterone. How do you know if a husband suffers from low testosterone, including low energy and weak desire Mood, loss of muscle mass, and even erectile dysfunction? A urologist in Boston states that up to 97% of men have testosterone levels that have an effect on their sex life and fortunately it can be treated.

4. Not hugging or kissing the wife:

Does your husband kiss you every day in the morning? Hugging you before leaving work? Raphael Darwish, a Los Angeles-based sex specialist, says that a husband who suffers from indifference to intimate desire because he hasn't shown affection enough in his daily life with you. The loss of desire for sexual intercourse in the husband is due to his feeling that he is not wanted sexually, and there is limited physical contact that can harm the relationship as well.

What you can do is try a spontaneous hug, a kiss, a back massage, which can achieve a lot of good results in intimacy.

5. Health problem:

The loss of a man's desire to have intercourse does not only mean the occurrence of problems in the bedroom. This is because the loss of desire to have intercourse can be evidence of health problems, according to marital relations expert Phil Nguyen. Erectile dysfunction is considered a measure of the general health of men. If there are problems in this area, it can be symptoms of major health problems such as diabetes, prostate cancer, heart disease.

6. Sensitivity:

A new study by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic confirms that sneezing can mess around with your sex life and your sex life. According to the results of the study, up to 83% of people suffer from seasonal allergies, face a decrease in sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, and the simple reason is that a runny nose and eyes certainly make you not in the right mood. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

7. Economic problems:

When the husband becomes anxious about the family's financial future, it interferes with the desire to have sexual intercourse. Because these individuals are under high stress and tension, they often lose their sex drive temporarily. Simply you can get rid of the source of stress and start facing financial problems by making simple changes that enhance the health and social status of him. And increase the exercise of self-confidence because it enables you to feel better and increase endorphins.

8. Excessive masturbation:

Insomnia can be embarrassing to discuss with a husband, but too much masturbation is harmful to the relationship and reduces his sexual interest. When a partner spends a lot of time masturbating, the level of sexual stimulation can decrease. The man should be encouraged not to do so.

9. Physical problems:

There are some medications that reduce the desire for sexual intercourse in the husband and can have an effect on the level of the hormone testosterone. In many cases, the husband suffers from impotence problems and he is afraid to try again. Impotence can be a sign that there are problems with blood circulation and often a sign of heart disease, diabetes, and kidney disease, in which case a visit to the doctor is required.

10. Stress and psychological problems:

Exposure to work stress or psychological pressure is a barrier factor for reluctance to have intercourse. You must talk to the wife about the psychological problems that she suffers in order to help you overcome them easily without any side effects that lead to the destruction of the intimate relationship.

11. The lack of friendship between the two polytheists:

Often times when there is a problem in marriage it appears in the bedroom, but we think that ignoring often is the solution but it is not. You have to focus on different solutions such as wearing sexy lingerie and cute toys as an attempt to try new things.

Often you can find a solution outside the bedroom, which is embodied by talking with the wife, where they spend many tasks together in order to help them strengthen the relationship, as it is a marital spice. You can look to go to the gym.

Tips to increase sexual desire in men:

Eat berries:

Dr. Maria and Brian mentioned in The Fitness Journal that berries are one of the most important foods that increase sexual desire, and doctors recommend eating 10 berries or a large spoon every few hours before planning an intimate relationship.

Drink ginseng tea:

Ginseng tea increases sexual satisfaction and can help prevent or reduce erectile dysfunction. According to Dr. Oz 2002, red ginseng helps treat 60% of erectile dysfunction cases.

A lot of chocolate:

Chocolate has been known since the ancient centuries to have a wonderful taste and improves sexual pleasure. According to an article published in the South African Journal of Nutrition, chocolate contains serotonin, which is found in the human system, which can stimulate sexual arousal and raise the mood of arousal. Thus, chocolate affects the man’s psyche in a very large percentage.

Eat oysters:

Studies by the American Chemical Society have shown that oysters contain compounds that increase testosterone and estrogen levels. This increase in hormones translates into an increase in sexual desire. In addition, it is rich in zinc, which helps blood flow to the genitals of men.

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