Greeting folks you would hear lots about global warming and its bizarre causes which include melting glaciers, climate change, increased concentration of greenhouse effect. So mainly said these are the problem that humans are facing since there has been a boost in the industrial sector.
The reason for all these high-level destructions is not caused by any other, human themselves are responsible for these causes. Global warming is mainly causing by burning foils and deforestation. Following are some problem that we are facing due to global warming
Global Temperature Rise
Warming Ocean
Shrinking Ice Sheets
Glacial Retreat
Decreased Snow Cover
Sea Level Rise
Declining Arctic Sea Ice
Extreme Events
Ocean Acidification
Alright, this is basically that we should know that what is the effect that we are facing and by what means they are occurring. For any problem, I always follow 3 steps.
Where (Where are these coming from)
how (How are they spreading)
Conclusion (Find things to avoid them)
So what will we do - what can we do - to slow down human-caused warming. There are many solutions out there and many countries are applying the law not to cause or to create these things which cause global warming one of them are electric cars, start cultivating tree, uses of the windmill for creating electricity, uses of solar panel basically, now we have to start using the natural thing on their own way, rather mix with our own thing that results in our own destruction.
Understanding the greenhouse effect
Before we jump to the next point we need to understand the greenhouse effect and what is it. Well in simple words it is a layer that covers the earth with a layer that protects us from the sun's harmful waves. The layer is losing its potential day by day due to other gases that are producing mainly from the industrial sector burning foils and extra and many other things include which affect the layer. Here is the video link to check in detail about the Greenhouse effect.
Will in the end if we did not do anything about global warming which is the earth's biggest problem, this will continue the following impacts.
Change Will Continue Through This Century and Beyond
Temperatures Will Continue to rising
Frost-free Season (and Growing Season) will Lengthen
Changes in Precipitation Patterns
More Droughts and Heat Waves
Hurricanes Will Become Stronger and More Intense
Sea Level Will Rise 1-8 feet by 2100
Arctic Likely to Become Ice-Free
Thanks for reading although it was not related to bitcoin it was a serious topic to discuss so just sharing my info with all you
And I sure to write more interesting thing in future