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3 years ago

Good day to whoever is the reading the post, I’m going to be writing on a psychological feeling or rather an illness called “depression” 

  Depression is a state of feeling, sad, anxiety, and depression, a mood disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies bouts of depression  

   Being depressed can be caused by a lot of things some depending on our mental strength and capacity. Some of the factors includes, family issues, past trauma, brain structure, drug use ( a history of drug,alcohol misuse can affect the risk for being depressed) 

  There are two types of depression which are major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder. The first type symptoms includes anxiety distress, catatonia features and so on, while the later symptoms includes low esteem, lack of productivity, feeling hopeless and empty and the general symptom for depression which we all know is suicidal thoughts, and most times self harm.

     Depression can be battled by being open because one thing I’ve noticed is that most depressed people tend to be secretive and in turn affect their mental health. It can be battled by taking medications like antidepressants, light therapy l.e being exposed to doses of white light which can help regulate mood, exercise l.e engaging in physical activities which produces endorphins and in turn increases hormones that improve mood, avoiding drugs just like I mentioned earlier in the causes and finally taking care of yourself..

NOTE: Depression is a serious mental illness with the potentials of complications, life threatening complications.  

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Every person have depression. Depression is dangerous for our mind and helth. Your shared topic is very useful and informative. Thank you FOR share this article.

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3 years ago