What is father

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Avatar for Zahidiqbal12-3
3 years ago

Father is blessing of God..

The Father is the name of a bridge that helps us cross the rippling stream of life.

Father is the name of the shadow that gives us comfort in hot weather.

Father is the name of sacrifice .. who gave us many things that are difficult to keep in our longevity

Father is the name of our dream which is fulfilled by the courage of our father.

Dad is my hero who teaches life lessons. How can you play the game of life?

Dad is my best friend. He teaches us how you can feel and cope and solve problems.

Father is the name of hidden love. Which is represented by deeds, not by words.

Father is the name of the tree that helps us climb and touch the sky.

Father is the name of my purpose in life. How do you achieve goals with hard work

Father is the name of the way. And teach them how to walk.

May Allah give all father live long Life happiness and prosperity. Ameen.

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Avatar for Zahidiqbal12-3
3 years ago
