Methods To Improve Memory

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Memory is storage of information in brain. We all want to improve our memory. We often forget the things we remember. Every student says that I forgot the lesson i have learned. We all are facing the problems of money loss. We all want to memorize the things in our mind for long time.

Parts of brain involved in Memory



3:Mammillary bodies


5: Hypothalamus

Stages in Memory


During this stage, sensory information is received and then transferred into neural impulses. Incoming information held for one to two seconds by sensory impulses memory. Information selected by attention is then transfer to short term memory. If new information is not attended it is forgotten.


Selectively attended sensory information during the encoding stage is stored in mind . The storage of information is temporary or permanent. Information that used frequently is stored on more permanent basis.


Retrieval is a process of recall. Human memory works like a computer. Once any thing is stored in our brain, we can recall it by its name. Organized and well rehersed memory is easy to retrieve.

Types of Memory

1.Sensory memory

Storage of sensory events such sight sound and taste with no further processing or interpretation. We receive many stimuli at all the time to so sensory memory is stored for very short time.

2.Short term memory

Selective attention converts sensory memory into short term memory. Short term memory is brief but stored for longer time than sensory memory.

3.Long term memory

It is permanent storage of information in brain. Brain has limitless capacity, Hippocampus is particularly important for long term memory. Rehearsal is a process which converts short term memory into long term memory.

Methods to improve memory


A setting that enhances your focus while studying, and ensures minimal distraction will increase your spans of concentration. Information listened attentively makes memory to work efficiently. Environmental noise decrease your spans of concentration.


Organize the information in such order which is easy to memorize. Fir example north, red, spring, east, autumn, yellow, summer, west, winter, Green, south, Blue is become easy to memorize if organized as east-west-south-north,red-blue-green-yellow,spring-summer-autumn-winter. Similarly by making up stories enhances our ability to memorize.


Continuously studying the material again and again greatly helps to improve the memory. Especially for those who become blank in exams because of anxiety. Overlearning also makes the retrieval very easy.


Sleeping after study is helpful and reduce interference. Staying awake the whole night before your exams in not a good thing .


During study selectively underline the words. If you are putting line under every word you are not selective. According to Dutch scholar Eramus"Memory is like a fisher's man net it should keep all the big fishes and let the little ones escape ". Putting the marginal notes to further summarize the idea and selection of book is also play important role.


Mnemonics is a technique of making word pattern which assist in remembering something. Mnemonic help in recalling the large pieces of information. For example, "thirty days has September, April june and November " help to remember the days of month.

7.Spaced practice

Break of few minutes after every 20 minutes is better than to study continuously one hour. Try to improve the quality of study rather than quantity of study.

8.Knowledge of results

Learning is facilitated when the learner receive immediate evaluation of learning performance. Feedback also helps you to identify the material that need extra practice, and it can be rewarding to know that you have answered or remembered correctly.


Reviewing shortly before exam is helpful. This review should be one hour or so, spending whole night in reviewing is not good. Avoid to memorize new information just before the exam.

10.Recitation and Rehearsal

The process of rehearsal means keeping items of information in the center of attention, by repeating them silently or aloud. Recitation focus you to practice retrieving information as you are learning. When you are reading the textbook, you should stop at different intervals and try to remember what you have just read by summarizing it aloud.

11.Serial position

During memorizing a list, it is common tendency to most of errors in the middle of list. Therefore middle of list, peom, and speech should be given an extra practice.

12.Attach feeling and emotion

Attachment of feeling and emotions with an event enhances its retention. We hardly forget what is emotionally signi in our lives. Old people continue to recall their events of emotional significance even their short term memory ia grossly impaired.


Forgetting is the apparent loss of information from already stored memory. This is due to inadequate attention and rehearsal. Forgetting depends upon following factor.


New information interferes with our memories of past and learning interfere with new information. Learning new information just before exam interfere with stored information.

.Retrieval problems

To recall something our brain needs retrieval cues or reminders ,without these the required information is difficult to recall. We often can't recall something while actively searching for it, we may later recall this when we have given up the search and doing something else.

.Motivated Forgetting

People generally remember pleasant events more often than unpleasant ones, and the unpleasant memories have been repressed.

Sum up :

Thus there are lot of methods to improve our memory. By applying these methods we can convert our short term memory to long term memory.

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