1:Anti histamine =use in allergy
2:Analgesic=pain killer
3:anti pyretic=Fever
4:anti septic=pus
5:Anti biotic=infection
6:Anti anaemia =Low blood
7:Anti Emetic=vomiting
8:Anti acid =Stomach Burn
9:Anti Flantulants=Gases
10:Anti Spasmodic=abdominal pain
11:Anti anginal=Cardiac pain
12:Anti arhthnic=Cardiac activity
13:Anti Hypertensive =BP
14:Anti lipemic=cholesterol+lipid
15:Anti cougulant= Norrowing of blood
16:Anti Depressant=Depression
17:Hyponotic=For sleep
18:Anti psychotic=For psychosis
19:Anti Anxiety =For anxiety
20:Anti parkinson=For Parkinson's
21:Anti stroke =For stroke
22:Anti viral=Against virus
23:Anti T. B=Against T. B
Important information about the medicine. Plz be careful about Side effects of medicine .These are medicine which are used in treatment of these diseases. Care is better than cure.
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