Exam Preparation tips to Help you Pass Exams

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3 years ago

How to prepare for your exams

The tips you are going to get here are for those who do not want to rush the last minute in order to pass their exams. These exam preparation tips are for those who know why they attend classes but not the joy riders or class "tourists".

Many students take the learning process lightly or for granted only to panic when they hear the exam is just "around the corner" - that is what we used to be told way back in primary school. You can also bear witness that you yourself have witnessed the same at one time or another. You sit through different lessons without much interest only to rush the last minute. You start cramming a day before the exams and that is not the way to go.

We can avoid this last minute dash by preparing ourselves on how to pass our exams early. Once we are ready in advance, we will least likely be tempted to cheat during the exams. But how do you prepare yourself for the exam effectively?

You should always work hard in class

The secret of passing exams is simple in that you should always be ready by working hard in your classes. Once you are through with a lesson make sure you take some time later to go through it. Once you are through revising, check the end of chapter summary and make sure you can be able to answer questions related to what you have covered. You can make use of the end of chapter exercises if any to test your self how much you have learnt.

Create Your Own Notes by Noting Down Concepts

Always remember to note down concepts that you seem not to be grasping or the ones you might end up forgetting. It is always easier to refer to your own notes than a textbook or your friends notes. In a lecturer room it is not a wonder to see students who look like zombies, staring at the lecturer in a listening pose but most of the time they are daydreaming or perhaps "night-dreaming" depending on the time of lecture.

In case the course you are taking has got practicals, it is important when you are through with any practical lesson to go over it on your own. For example if it is an Engineering class and you were learning about parts of a computer, at the end of the lessons ask yourself if you can be able to name the major parts of a computer and most important if you can be able to identify them. Recall that practice practice makes perfect.

Tips on Passing exams

  1. Cover the syllabus that is required of you - most exams tend to cover the entire syllabus. So expect to get a question from any section of what you are supposed to cover.

  2. Be a student of good behaviour - It is obvious that if you are a student of bad behaviour, this can affect your grades. Bad behaviours are like alcoholism, drugs, bullying, disrespect, among others.

  3. Do not be overconfident - well, even if you have prepared well, tackle the exam with humility and soberness. It is not over till you sit for the last exam.

  4. Do not hate any subject - you have to try hard and make friends with the subjects you are tackling. Hating a subject is a recipe to disaster.

  5. Read instructions / questions - when in the exam room make sure you read the instructions as well as the questions well.

  6. Time your paper - when sitting on the exam, make sure you time your paper well. This will enable you to answer all the questions.

  7. Do not annoy the examiner - make sure you answer sheet paper is neat and your handwriting is readable. Neat work will attract good marks as opposed to unreadable works.

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3 years ago
