Chicken Raising

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2 years ago

Chicken raising is a good profession. We can earn by selling the eggs and chickens. We can also eat self raised chickens. In village mostly people like to raise chickens. They have different types of chickens. They collect eggs and hatch them by chicken and get many small chicks. They feed them well and protect them from cats and dogs. As a result they got healthy chickens.

I have also raised some chickens. I have mamy types of chickens. I have Pure Aseel Chicken and roosters. Aseel Chicken are very costly. People like to eat Assel chickens because of its delicious taste than the broiler. Aseel chicken is best for heath. It doesn't cause any disease. People found such chickens for eating, but now a days these chicken are not found everywhere. Now they are rare.

Aseel Rooster

Hatching Eggs

When a chicken gets ready to sit on the eggs. We collect eggs for her. She sits on the eggs for about 22 days, then after this period new chicks are born from eggs. In this period chicken needs healthy food and protection. We made a soft place for the chicken in a cage where she sits on eggs.

After hatching Eggs ,new chicks are born which start walking after 2,3 hours. After one day they start running after their mother. Their voices of cheeping sound in the whole home. They look very beautiful small chicks.

Chickens Feed

Chickens need healthy feed from growth. We mostly feed them rice, wheat and bread soaked in water. They also eat vegetables. I have many chickens. They fight with each other while feeding. That's why I spread the wheat on the floor in circles so they each can feed well at a distance from other.

Chickens Cage

In village we don't use cage made of iron or steel. We used simple cage made of mud. We made cage of mud and put wood sticks between the two thick layers of mud. We keep distance between the sticks for the ventilation. This cage is free of cost. Chickens spend their night easily in this cage.

Bald neck chicken

I have many types of chickens but one bald neck chicken. She is very beautiful. She has not started to lay eggs yet. I am feeding her well, I hope soon she will start laying eggs.

Benefits of Chicken

If you have a chicken in your house, then you don't need to buy eggs from shop. Feed chickens well they will give you a lot of eggs. When we come from jobs in winter and want to eat an egg, we will no need to go to buy egg from shop. An egg will be ready for you to boiled or to make amulet. You can sell eggs and chickens. You can eat Fresh chicken, which is millions times better than broilers.

I have beautiful chicken. I would like to share some pictures of those with you.

That's end.

Thanks to all for reading my article. Stay blessed.

@Bjorn @Ruffa


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2 years ago
