Winter has come… 

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1 year ago

Today, at 6:30 am in the morning I woke up somehow and the scenario outside surprised me. It was totally like a heavy winter morning. Although it is just the early days of winter. Heavy cold has a month to come. But there was heavy fog outside. 

Actually I am a late riser. I couldn’t able to see early morning more than three or four in a month. I don’t know why I woke up early today. It is not like I slept early last night. I went to sleep at 3 am. And woke up after three and a half hours of sleeping. And walking a few moments in my corridor I slept again. 

When winter comes, it brings back memories of my village. In the previous winter I wasn't able to go to my village. Because of my final exam at that time I had to stay at my university. 

I missed everything, every enjoyment of village winter last year. In winter, the boys of the village used to do so many things. Firstly, the date juice. It is one of my favorite things in winter. Still now we drink date juice at Least ten times a winter. And we don’t drink it in the morning or daytime. We go to the farming land at night. Someone from us climbs the date tree and takes down the pot of juice from the tree. And we drink it without making the owner know. 

Although the owners know that boys will do that. And they don’t mind it. Because in the village we all are like families or relatives. Everyone cares for everyone. And I especially feel Lucky that everyone loves me a lot. From my childhood I did well in school and now I am studying in a renowned University that is why they love me. And more importantly I never hurt anyone and obeyed the seniors. 

Last year I didn't drink this favorite date juice. But this year I think I will be able to go to my village for seven days. From 22 to 29 December I have winter vacation. And I am planning to go home at that time. Although I have Third year final on 26 January. 

Another thing is peacod. Peacod is my favorite. Although it is available in cities. In cities peacod comes from villages. But we like to have it from the cornfield. You will have a great feeling when you take peacod from the trees of a cornfield. 

Badminton in winter is also a favorite thing for me. We also play it in our  hall. But in the village, it becomes a festival. From seniors to juniors, everyone presents in the badminton ground from evening to midnight in winter. We often make fires there… These are my village memories. And this makes me nostalgic. 

Anyway winter has come. And winter is also enjoyable on my campus. There are lots of things here too. Like pitha in the evening. Flowers in the trees. And most importantly migrants birds. 

Every year a lot of migrant birds come here and stay for the whole winter. My University campus is the biggest habitat of these migrant birds in our country. There are some reasons. We have so many natural lakes in our campus which are very friendly with these birds. 

Another important reason is that no-one disturbs these birds. Killing birds is strictly prohibited on our campus. Even when birds come, horn in vehicles is also prohibited in some areas. So they can live here quite happily. But they are migratory birds. When their country becomes liveable they leave for their country. 

As winter has come and migratory birds have also come already, tourists will gather here very soon. Every Friday and Saturday weekend, our campus is filled with tourists. Because beside the capital this place is very charming. In the capital city natural beauty is very rare. Here people become bored with high rise buildings and treeless land and they come here. And in winter when migratory birds come, it attracts tourists more. 

This is all for today. I will write about the winter on my campus another day. Thanks for reading. 

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1 year ago


Badminton in the winter? Hahaha I doubt if I can even try that. I admire your courage to do that hahahaha.

Winter is hitting in full flow and I'm feeling the effect here already.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

It has affected me as well. But i love winter. And you know what in our village, from child to young, use to play badminton in winter evening.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahaha that's interesting. I hope you update us with pictures. Would love to see the sight.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

And i would love to share you. But right now i am not in my village. It will take a month.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Whenever you get there...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

The unforgettable memories you had my friend. Here in our place it's always raining too friend until now. It's really cold. 🥶

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Winter rain is very hard. And when its last long then everything become boring for people as well as hard to do anything.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Yes my friend that's true. All people always stayed inside their houses.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

What is date juice? Yeah winter Is coming and even though I am living in tropical's getting colder

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Date juice is a sweet natural juice which comes from date palm trees in winter season in our country. And after heating this juice for a few hours, farmers make sweets.

$ 0.00
1 year ago