Love Belongs to Soul not Materialistic

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When I get up I saw dream in which my Grandma Kissed me on my head and Hug me. I connected this dream with the one of the good Scholar'defination of dreams.

"Dreams are mesh up of thoughts, which you think deeply is part of your dream"It is correct due to many reasons, I always like to remind who either loved me or hate me. These were the days when I am missing my Grandma who always fought with my father and mother for my good feed, good education and good carrier. On this day she died and I can only miss her and pray for her. From it I guess if love would be part of material things then it would end up with the death of some person and finish when something is not part of this earth. No love not belongs to material things it belongs to our soul and soul is immortal, hence I can say it is immortal. It was the main reason I used the title, " Love belongs to the soul not Materialistic".

Love is like Locker it protects you from Others heart Stellar,

If you are still not agreed with me, then I can prove it with another very good example, it is a story that I learnt in my 12th class and still it is fresh in my mind.

Once there was a time, Della had 1.87$ in her purse and went to the market to buy a gift for Jim as the other day would be Christmas. She had saved this money for his gift from many days. She returned and was crying on the bed as from this small money she was not able to buy a single pen for Jam. Jim to whom she loved a lot and had had many happy hours planning something nice for him. Something worth-value suitable for her Jim. Jim and Della Family could proud on two things. One thing was Jim 'Dimond watch and other was Della' s hair.

Her hairs were so long and beautiful that if a Queen had lived near her, Della would have washed and dried them at the place Queen could easily see her then queen must jealous of her hair. Della knew her hairs are more beautiful than Taj Mahil or Burj a Khalifa.

Della Long Hair,

Same was with Jim's golden watch if a king had lived near to him, then he would have looked at his watch every time they met. As Jim knew no king had anything so valuable.

Jim's Golden Watch,

Della's beautiful hair fell about her, shining like a flood of brown water. It reached below to the ground. It was a dress for her. Now she put it up on her head again with sad feelings. One or two tears dropped from her face.

She wore old blue coat. She put on red old hat. With the hopes in her eyes, she ran fast out of the door and down to the street. She stopped and read a sign board, " Mrs. Sofronie. Hair Articles of all Kinds. " She ran to second floor and sit to take deep breath.

Mrs. Sofronie, large, too white, cold, eyed, looked at her.

Della shouted a question, "Will you buy my hair?."

Mrs. Sofronie replied, "Sure, take off your hat and let me look at it". After observing flood of brown stream, she replied, "I will give you twenty dollars for your hairs. "

"Give it to me" Della replied quickly.

Time was passing with speed of light, she was visiting many shops to buy a suitable gift for Jim. At last, she found it. She said to herself, surely it had been made for Jim. It was the chain of watch that Jim watch lacked, very nice and good looking. She paid twenty dollars and returned home with smile into her eyes. She was thinking with this watch Jim could look at his watch many time when he wanted.

After returning home she was nervous and sad. She was also thinking now she had covered her head and bad marks after cutting of her hair. It was tough to cover these marks as one day Jim could find this. With short break her head looked better and now she was looking like a school baby.

It was 7'O clock and Jim was never late from dinner. She held the chain in her hand and was waiting for him. She was praying Jim didn't stop to love her and didn't show any sort of aggression as she had done it for his happiness.

Suddenly, doors opened and Jim stepped in. He looked very thin and was worried. He was as quiet as one hunting dog in front of bird. He looked towards Della and not able to understand expression at her face. It was not anger not surprise not aggression.

Della talked with him, "Dear Don't look at me like that and I have cut my hairs now, because I can't live without wishing you Christmas with a nice gift." My hairs grow very fast. It is Christmas. Let us be happy and enjoy. You didn't know I had bought a wonderful gift for you.

Jim asked with wonder," Have you cut off your hairs?. " It took time to understand what had happened.

" Cut it off and sold"replied Della. Look at me, Jim I am your Della. I sold them for you. May be the hairs of my head could be counted, but no one can measure my love for you. Shall we start dinner now?.

Jim was hiding his hands from her. He folded his hand and debated. Eight dollars a weak or million dollars per year. How they are different?. Someone will give you answer but it would be wrong.

From inside of his pocket, he took something tied in paper and threw it on the table. Try to understand me Della, " Nothing like hair cut can make me careless about you. But you should open that every thing would be clear crystal."

She opened and found a comb which once upon a time she liked and desired in a shopping Mall but they didn't had enough money to buy that.

Hair was sold for chain for Jim and Golden watch was sold for comb. Now they have lost their beautiful and valuable things. One had comb but not hair and someone had chain but not watch.

They cried, hug and kissed. Let us celebrate Christmas, no material thing could not replace our love.

Cake of Christmas party,


From this story love is directly proportional to the soul and has no relation with material things. We should love the person not things no money. Without any color, race or any sort of discrimination we should love and respect to others. It is useless and worthless if someone love money and not humanity. They both sold their beautiful things but not their beautiful feelings. Things can returned to your life but once you hurt someone love it is not able to back. We should not play hide and seek with someone feelings.

It was end of this sensational story. I hope it will enough suitable for you to read. I am thankful to you for your complete reading of my article.

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