Many choices mean less sales

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2 years ago
Wednesday 22 June 2022

If you've ever thought you've created a lot of products and services, so that it can cater to each of your customers, but why are only a few selling?

In the past, many people did not have many choices in life because of limited technology or capital. And now our generation has many choices, whether they want to work in the office, online or offline business and in each alternative, we are presented with many more choices.


Do you think that with the many alternative choices you think you are much luckier? It turned out not to guarantee and even quite the opposite. If you have ever read a book from Barry Schwartz entitled The Paradox of Choice 'Why More Is Less'. You can also find conclusions from the answers to these problems in the book.

For most people, having to choose one of many alternatives can make them feel burdened, the more choices the more burdensome they will be. Then as a result they will give up and it is better not to choose at all.

This could be the cause of the emergence of a confused generation, they are confused about what to do and it seems that it is because they are given too many choices.

There is a psychologist who once conducted experiments in a supermarket, he invited visitors to taste the choices of bread jam that had been prepared. Then the visitor will be given a discount faucet if he buys the bread jam. There are two display options, in the first display, it displays 24 choices of jam and on the second display there are only 6 choices of jam.

And what happened was, only 3% of visitors bought the first display, while on the second display there were 30% of visitors who bought. That is, customers are more likely to buy if there are fewer choices. Now look at the products you have offered, how many products do you offer and how many variants of each product are there. It can cause your customers to be confused and end up buying nothing from your product.

For example, I often experience this when I come to a restaurant, there is a menu book with a total of 6 pages and on each page there are 20-25 types of food that I can choose from, there I even get confused which one to choose.

Our job as innovators is to make the lives of our customers easier, not more complicated. We have to think hard for our customers, not the other way around.

Everyone can make a product with many choices, but not everyone is able to create a product that can meet customer needs well.

If you want a little but get a lot or a lot but we get only a little, you decide for yourself.

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Avatar for Zachriel
2 years ago


I agree with you, many choices really bother us to make our choices, and we have to be more careful in making our choices

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2 years ago

Yes, you have to be careful not to take the wrong step

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I will admit that am also in line with those that when they are faced with chooses to make end up choosing the wrong thing at the end. For me I want to choose things In a quiet and calm surrounding and when am under pressure or the chooses come with haste I end up choosing the wrong thing and not give up ooh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes, sometimes it's like that, too many choices are not profitable but instead make us take the wrong step

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2 years ago