This is what will happen when children have little toys

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3 years ago
Topics: Life

We parents believe that one of our primary tasks is to buy toys in abundance, and we do not realize that we may teach our children to be selfish and greedy and prevent them from communicating effectively.

The potential of any child is stimulating and exciting in all creation.

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Games are not just objects for play; It may be the main pillar for building a child's future. Games give our children an idea of ​​the world and themselves. It also sends valuable messages in communication. Hence, wise parents consider limiting the number of games that children should play with. Because they understand that less games can be beneficial for children in the long run.

How does the lack of games affect your child's life?

1. Children learn to become more creative

Too many games prevent children from fully developing the talent for broad imagination. Strick and Schubert, two German public health workers, ran an experiment in which they persuaded a kindergarten class to remove all toys for three months. Despite their boredom during the early stages of the experience, children soon began using their primary environment to create games and use their vast imaginations to play.

2. Developing children’s sense of attention to be taller

When a large number of games are introduced into a child's life, then his sense of attention is distracted, and the child rarely learns how to pay attention to the game in front of him if there are a large number of options on the shelf behind him.

3. Children acquire the best social skills

Children who have a few games learn how to develop their personal relationships with others, whether they are adults or children, it teaches them how to have a fluent conversation. Studies have attributed childhood friendships to greater academic success and in adulthood with social situations.

4. Children learn to pay more attention to things

If the child has many toys, his interest in them will be very little. Then he does not know or appreciate its value because there is another alternative on hand. And if the child is constantly playing with his toys, then you take a few toys away from him so that he learns to take care of them and he will learn that quickly.

5. Children love reading, writing, and art

Few games give your child time to love books, art, coloring and drawing. The love of art will help your child better appreciate beauty, passion and connect with the world.

6. Children become smarter

In education, students are given the tools to find a solution to a problem and not just give them answers to a problem. In entertainment and play, the same principle can be applied. Few toys cause a child to become resourceful and intelligent in solving problems that are specific to the toys in his hands only. Dexterity is a talent with unlimited potential.

7. Children have less arguments with each other

This may seem counterintuitive, and many parents believe that more games will reduce fighting because there are more options available. The opposite is often the case, however, and siblings debate the game. And every time we introduce a new game, this induces a reason to argue with each other and on the other hand, forces the siblings to participate, cooperate and work together if their games are few.

8. Children learn a spirit of perseverance

Children who have too many toys give up very quickly. If they have a game that they don't know about, they will quickly leave it to look for a different and easy one. With little games the child learns with patience, persistence and determination.

9. Children become less selfish

Children who get everything they want believe they have everything they want. This behavior will quickly lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

10. Children experience nature more

Children who do not have a basement full of toys are more likely to play outside and thus develop a deep sense of nature. They are also prone to participating in physical exercises that give them very healthy and happy bodies.

11. Children learn to search for content outside the toy store

True joy and contentment cannot be found in the aisles of the toy store, children who grow up with the idea that their desires can be bought with money will believe the same lie as their parents . Instead, children need to be encouraged to lead a cultural life facing the question of seeking joy in things.

12. Children live in a clean and tidy home

If you have children, know that gaming clutter can quickly run into the entire home. Few toys make the house less cluttered, tidy and healthy.

I am not against playing. I am only with the best interest of the child. So today, do what is good for your child in terms of the number of toys around him. (And don't tell them you got the idea from me.)

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Life
