The power of bitcoin increased

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Avatar for Yugocean
11 months ago

The strength of Bitcoin lies in its popularity, which no one can deny. Those who banned it until yesterday are now trying to make their existence known in its name.

Bitcoin returns to China

Even China, which once banned Bitcoin 13 times in 12 months, is now tired of making claims to control and eliminate it. The ban has already been lifted in Hong Kong, and there is no ban on it in China either. Control cannot be done, so China can also give an exemption on this.

Bitcoinist President of USA

Bitcoin supporters have increased so much in the race for the presidency in America that the main candidates of every party have made bitcoin an issue. The anti-Bitcoin movement is neither here nor there; whoever you vote for has already promised to do something or other in favour of Bitcoin. Bitcoin supporters will vote for the biggest Bitcoinist, and opponents will vote for the smallest Bitcoinist.

Celibrity Celibration

Big celebrities who used to spew venom against bitcoin, such as Peter Schiff, Warren Buffett, Jamie Dimon, etc., do not say anything anymore. They have understood that what they say will have no effect on the people. On top of that, Michael Sellers continues to collect bitcoin. The IMF and World Bank are in though thought.

$ 0.22
$ 0.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Yugocean
11 months ago
