Goals in October

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This is the beginning of the month that I have to target because I have been dreaming of a dream that until now has not been achieved.

Maybe for some people my dream is too easy but for me my dream is quite difficult and I have to keep trying to achieve what I want until it is achieved.

I've wanted it for a long time but indeed time and circumstances have not been on my side so I still have to pursue that dream.

There are many things I want but only one thing I really want right now to make things easier for me here.

Source pixabay


This is my dream so far that has not been achieved until now even though there are so many things that I got but for this I have not got it.

Since I joined here at read.cash and noise.cash I have been helped as a person who earns but that doesn't make me realize that I have to raise money and have to hold back BCH.

The more BCH I get, the lower the current BCH price, that's why I haven't been able to withdraw the BCH I have because the loss I will experience will be very large.

So in October until the end I know I will try to collect more BCH to start from zero so that when BCH is good I get a big profit.

But in the last few months in noise.cash and in read.cash I didn't make much BCH even though I tried hard.

But I will keep trying to collect BCH and keep trying because my dream still has to be pursued.

Nothing is impossible as long as we want to try hard and keep trying to get what inspires us.

Keep trying even though everything won't be easy.

Words of wisdom.

Don't hope with hope but hope with hard work, because hope will only make you disappointed but hard work will make you happy.

Thank you, I'm Yudi Sutiraa

Look forward to the next article, keep the spirit in trying and keep chasing dreams so that everyone knows if we are capable.

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