Aid from the wrong government?

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1 year ago

This time I want to talk about the ongoing assistance from the government in my beloved country, however, I remain patient and do not complain to the government.

Why is that so? That's because in my country starting from the Corona virus hitting the world everyone has lost everything.

Starting from employees, traders, to grab/taxi drivers where when the Corona virus spreads, everyone's movement is restricted so that people can't work.

Even since Corona spread, many companies have laid off employees for reasons of reduction, it's really sad.

But here I want to talk about "government assistance in the form of cash".

Source pixabay

Cash assistance.

Since the pandemic hit, the government has been aggressively providing donations and assistance to the people in need.

However, from the research results, many small residents who do not have jobs do not even get cash assistance.

Because here, those who receive financial assistance are those who still have jobs even though their salaries are under 200$ but they still have salaries.

But that's what actually gets cash assistance from the government, while people who don't work like me are even forgotten and even ignored.

Don't know how the system here assesses people who can't afford cash assistance, while those who get help are people who have jobs.

Can I voice this to open the eyes of the wrong government in providing aid? In fact, I have repeatedly registered myself as a candidate for cash assistance but have always been refused.

I've been trying for 2 years to get help, at least it can reduce the burden that I have to bear at this time.

But it wasn't easy for me and in the end I gave up and didn't register myself again, I'm grateful that there is still that helps my life today.

Source pixabay


Many have complained about this because since the pandemic hit everyone lost their jobs and income.

Trying to recover this shattered life slowly and finally now the world is starting to recover, but getting back to work is not easy.

Have to start from zero again because the company always chooses younger employees, that's why those who have been fired will have a hard time getting a job.

Age and other issues can make job search difficult, hopefully there is always a way for everyone to get a job.

Today I haven't got any ideas, but I will always try to give my best.

I'm Yudi Sutiraa, thank you.

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Avatar for Yudisutiraa
1 year ago


Nicely written and mentioned some good points too!! Awesome work and really wants more updates in the next part

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I'm still trying to put together the words, hopefully I can continue to give the best for all readers.😇

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Every country is sick of this problem. Inflation and the corruption has indispensable part of a country. Our country is suffering too. But nothing to do because they are showing that they country is developing which has made blind to all.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

That's why all the help is misdirected, the people who work on the data don't work well so those who really need it don't get it.😪

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hey I've found you just now. Whatever reason of you not having the job, may the right time comes that you will have one, that which you'll be happy and express your skills and passion. There is always good possibility 🤗.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

😔 sometimes that's what I always think dear, but I have to keep going and keep trying my best so that I can keep going.

$ 0.00
1 year ago