Generous people in real life !!

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3 years ago

Here I want to learn a lot about what Cryptocurrency digital currency is, many things I don't know, I haven't been here long, but I see a lot of good and great people here.

They are generous people gathered here, I am very happy, and I would love to be able to give what I have, but yes, the fact is I have nothing and I am here 1 month.

At first I was invited by @bmjc98 who wanted to help me collect donations, but after that problem passed the day I read and found new people here, they were not just generous, but they were great people who had a very good article .

Compared to me it may be nothing, but I can also learn from what I've read so far.

The one most visible here is sir @MarcDeMesel I don't know who he is, but I believe he is the most generous person I have seen here and the first to give his money as a gift.

Indeed, anyone wants to have money now, but not everyone can have that much money without hard work, especially when this is a very painful reality, everyone is experiencing an economic downturn, everyone is looking for ways to keep working without having to leave the house.

Yes, the COVID-19 pandemic is the cause of all of this, which requires all of us to work from home, but the fact is that many of us have even lost our jobs, making some people become frustrated with the current situation.

Honestly if that kind of money that has been given by sir @MarcDeMesel as a tip maybe I can fulfill my life for 1 year, "why not" as much as 6841 USD is a lot of money, can be used to reinvest and keep the money going.

Maybe if I have a lot of money like sir @MarcDeMesel I can become a big stock trader, losing money will be a lesson and become an investor, it is not easy to be a successful person, it takes time and a long journey. !!

Hmmmm'but I know it all took a long time for me, maybe in my whole life to get that kind of money, there's nothing I can do right now, hope, desire, I can't feel, even for myself I feel inadequate, sometimes bad thoughts always haunt me, but I am very grateful to dear @bmjc98 who never left me and always encouraged me.


My dreams

I used to be someone who was very persistent in pursuing whatever I wanted, I had to get it if I had decided.

A sniper "is my dream, why dream like this, whereas I was only born from an ordinary family, I want to be a sniper because I want to protect the country from terrorism which often causes the death of many people.

However, this dream could never be achieved when my parents died, everything was destroyed without the slightest desire to continue towards that dream.

Right now everyone is gone and only me, but I am lucky to have many friends here who care about my current situation.

Short story writer


After the dream of being a sniper disappeared, I was often alone and never spoke to many people, but I always wrote and wrote.

A short story I made I can hardly remember at this time, because what I wrote came from my downturn, stories of sadness, happiness, loss, love, all of which I could easily make.

The 10 short stories that I made, in 1 short story book reached almost 50 sheets, I don't know at this point where the books I made, all disappeared when my parents' house was sold and the book disappeared somewhere. ??

But I am very lucky to meet dear @bmjc98 she is a very good person, and also beautiful, her heart is very soft to make anyone want to know her, for me she is not just a friend, but I consider her as my own family.

She invited me to write here, and I am happy to be able to write without having to think about it being lost, I am sure this article will continue to be here, so I want to write anything here.

To all friends who have helped me, thank you very much, I hope your kindness is returned with even more.

Thank you so much for reading.


$ 5.06
$ 4.96 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @bmjc98
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Avatar for Yudisutira
3 years ago


And that's what friends do, helping each other in times of needs. Keep writing your story and don't ever get tired of writing something what your heart desires.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

do you know dear, the more I write the more ideas that come in for me to write,I feel happy you are always with me, thank you very much for everything dear.😇🙏🌷🌷😘😘

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Generosity doesn't require you to be wealthy and powerful. It demands a big heart with feelings for poor class.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No, it's not like that sir, I just want to help difficult people here, I know I'm the same as the people here, have a bad economy,therefore I want to be successful people want to help them here, but at this time I am not able to, for my own life I have difficulties,I really want to help, but the needs right now are getting more difficult, even those who have vocations are made difficult by the COVID-19 pandemic.😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏

$ 0.00
3 years ago