That's a bad thing.

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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...

We will progress to the next stages of life as we get older. Where there are more difficulties and hurdles to overcome. Life is not an easy undertaking since it will present us with many obstacles that will make it difficult for us to live. Similar to how it is in schools, the challenges get worse as we go to the following year level. As a result, the activities and items are organized. However, there are no issues that cannot be resolved, and nothing is insurmountable if we each learn a few useful life skills. However, some pupils have a tendency to forget certain crucial information, which is why they ended up A circumstance where they were on the verge of failing their classes. Here are some things that students should stay away from while studying

Unlimited Cramming

Many of the students I know have experienced this. Even I, myself, cannot deny that I have gone through these experiences while a student. Even now, I continue to do it. Therefore, it will be much better to study two days before the examination or even more in advance while getting ready for one. This is far preferable to staying up late studying all of the material from a semester. Both our bodies and our thoughts require sleep and rest. Our grades and health declined as a result of our cramming.

Doing all in one time

If you believe that you excel at multitasking and make a difference, you need to take another look at yourself. Because, from what I can recall, studies have shown that multitasking reduces productivity. People's attention will be split between a variety of topics, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate well on just one item. Due to the diversity of activities we are doing, we may even struggle to remember things and produce low-quality work.


I don't need to explain It well, but here we go. Right now, especially in the span of pandemic, we are using technology from the start we wake up until we sleep again. And technologies are used to studying Right now. From the different apps and social media, many people especially the teens one got easily hooked by the smartphones and social media. And because people are scared to be missed out by the update and trends. They can't focus well in their study. That's why, we must turn off all notification when we're studying.

Not making an outline

Preparation is important, but planning is way more needed to start the project or studying properly. Not making an outline will increase the chance of missing out so e details and topics. An outline is important because it will gave us easy look out to our projects. It will be beneficial especially when we're doing large projects.


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1 year ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Story, Writing, Experiences, ...
