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3 years ago

In this article, I wanted to share my view on how should we go about criticizing.

Some people criticise horribly, and the manners to which they criticise people is very bad.

Consider yourself not to be "Mr know it all" and accept the fact that you can also make mistakes, whoever you want to criticise ( the one who is wrong and possibly you want to correct) put them in your shoes and think from their perspective, if you were to be him/ her, probably you may c make mistakes bigger compare to his/ hers.

It is very evident that whoever ponder over different situation in life will understand that people sometimes does the very best they could, but their efforts may not yield the desired outcome.

Some people may think, they are deficient while they are criticise, to them it may look as if they were thrown sharp arrows.

How should we criticise?

What has preceded does not mean that we should not criticise at all. It is often necessitate to criticise others, including your son, wife or friend. perhaps, you can possibly delay your criticisms tenderly or use some tricky expedient. Let him retain some of his accolades.

Cut the arrow end

Put yourself in the shoes of the one you decided to whip ( smile ), and think from his perspective, Only then pass a judgement on him.

In all aspects of life criticism do occur as an evaluative or corrective measures but the way people go about using it takes different form.

Critics doesn't necessarily implies finding fault, just that people often take the word to be objective expression against prejudice. Although it involve disagreement but it may only mean taking side.

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3 years ago


Make easy to correct other , by speaking with them politely

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3 years ago

Yeah, doesn't only meant to attack

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3 years ago

brother your article is very good.thanks for sharing your opinion.go ahead brother .we want your article more and more

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3 years ago

Thanks for passing by.

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3 years ago

Welcome please like and comment on my post.if you like to do so

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