HonklerHangout flipstarter campaign

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Avatar for YoshiLivo
3 years ago

participate in the flipstarter campaign to receive Liberland Merit and keep the stream going for another year! https://flipstarter.yoshilivo.com

Hey everybody, it's me again and this time I write you because of a special occasion, which is the 1 year anniversary of my livestream HonklerHangout.

In my previous tekst I wrote how my bankaccount got closed in 2014 because of my involvement in Bitcoin. Let me tell you that living without a bankaccount is absolutely great and I love being part of this new crypto movement. Since I discovered Bitcoin I have been actively speaking out in public and this even got me on television and in the newspaper a couple of times.

Especially in te early day's, with Bitcoin below 1000$, I really enjoyed speaking out, as Bitcoin was still very new and not understood. I have an economic background and although I don't fully understand all code that is used to make the crypto miracle into reality, I can talk for hours about the history of money and why I believe deflationairy money is a great way to expose the global fiat fraud. I traveled all over Europe with the highlight so far being the top 5 donation I made into the Liberland project.

People that watch my stream know that this top 5 donation could have easily become the top donator, surpassing even Roger Ver, but because the dictator of Liberland does not want his community to be strong, I ended up on 5th place. I really hoped that there was some kind of team spirit into building something new on Liberland soil, but after 5 years I have to admit that Liberland is just more of the same old. I think we should all be glad to not live in Liberland today, because most likely it would have the most oppressive corona regime of any other country. The way how the dictator would like to build his idea is basically by building a prison where people can be free to his rule of law. The current voting system that is build with use of EOS.IO has a veto in it for a position that people can never elect anybody for. If it will get ever implemented, Liberland will remain a dictatorship forever and my lobby to make something different resulted in the confiscation of my Liberland investment.

Liberland is ofcourse not the only project I have been invloved in, also e-Gulden EFL (Bitcoin of the Netherlands) has consumed a lot of my energy over the years. When a group of trolls entered the community in oktober 2019 they where very successfull in turning the group of people against me and making them believe my political aspiration of Liberland is toxic and that a statement should be made to denounce my participation. The statement got there and everybody was happy, next step was to scam the team out of a couple of btc with the some fake exchange, work done.

What all the people I work with never seem to realize is that I am participating in these projects because I believe they hold a part of the key to explain the masses how they have been enslaved by the pedoclub. It's a difficult story that most people can't comprehend. If I point them out what my reality in this world is, these people just get angry and try to use framing and emotions to discredit me, for example by stating I believe in a conspiracy theory. May I please point out that 15 million Iraqi people died by your taxpayer dollar because of never found weapons of mass destruction?

Although many haters like to make people believe I'm just celebrating vacation, I can tell you that it takes a lot of my energy to believe in my reality and not give in to the fear that most sheeple today live in. After 7 years I've had very limited support and a lot of haters and to be frank, I don't really see the need in challenging others people belief anymore. One year of streaming HonklerHangout was a lot of fun and it really helped me at some points, for example to live tru 84 hours of lockdown in april of last year, but it also takes a lot of my time.

In one year, I've done over 180 streams and created many hours of content. Especially in the beginning I spend 12 hours per day on this stream to create content and inform myself about the great reset. I noticed that finding out about how humanity is going to be enslaved doesn't make me happy, especially not when you are screaming in a dessert and nobody listens.

After the november USA elections I had a moment of rest and thought about what I was doing. I would like to help people, but it became clear that people do not want to be helped. They prefer to kick the can down the road for as long as they can and live in their comfortable lie. They prefer to receive untested genetherapy for their fear instead of looking at the problem from a different perspective.

Although I enjoy speaking out as Yoshi Livo from Liberland, I realized that I am going to need a very long breath to keep fighting against a global system of deceipt and lies and that is why I created my flipstarter campaign. If I can sell some of the Liberland money I hold, I really don't mind fighting back against hate trolls, because I can smile back at them and show them how my world provides me with anything I need, but without a successfull flipstarter, who exactly am I trying to fool then?? I have managed to build a life free from any obligation, crypto has brought me here and I'm forever greatful for it, that is why I spend so much of my time on what I see as giving back for all the great things I've experienced. You can only spend your time once and I'm sure that some people would have loved to see me work as their puppet and lead some protest against corona in Netherlands, but really I can do without.

Today I live in one of the most beautiful places in Europe and I've decided to start to live a life more away from the computer if the flipstarter campaign doesn't end with a success. It's not just nature that is beautiful here, I like the way of living even more. One does not need endless growth to be happy, all you need is to manage your own emotions in such a way that you are happy. I'm looking forward on leaving the public domain and let the world solve it's own problems. I can see this summer become one of the best, if not the best, summer of my life. For all these years I've had the feeling I need to give back and I don't deserve all this luck and beauty that just come fall out of the sky right into my hands, but now I understand the most ungratefull thing would be to not appreciate those gifts.

Tomorrow I will make another great show and hope to convince enough people about the added value of HonklerHangout for BCH. I understand the flipstarter community is only very small and consist mostly of people that have interest in the technical implementations of crypto, so I don't blame them for not seeing how HonklerHangout is the perfect introduction to crypto. Instead of being sad about it, I am going to take this opportunity to say goodbye to everybody in a good fashion and change the way how I handle the world, because until today everything I do is for free and my help was always available, but that is something that is now going to change, because if you want to disturb me during my perfect summer, you better have something to offer to me because oftherwise I can't be bothered anymore.

I want to thank everybody that followed me over the years and participated with whatever it was I've been doing. Let's see if we manage to get 20 BCH together tomorrow and if not then I wish you all the best on your projects and hope you will achieve whatever it is you are working on.

$ 3.11
$ 3.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for YoshiLivo
3 years ago
