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3 years ago
Topics: DPoS

HashQuark is a delegated staking site that continues to rise in popularity among cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The network's features have helped it win several grants to help advance the DPoS staking environment. HashQuark is currently regarded as one of Asia's biggest and most reputable staking service providers.

HashQuark's developers mainly focused on the Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) market. When opposed to their predecessors, DPoS blockchains are thought to be more powerful and democratic. The primary distinction between DPoS and PoS networks is that a DPoS-based blockchain includes a voting mechanism in which members delegate their work to a third-party. Instead of the entire network staking directly, users vote on delegates to authorize transactions.


HashQuark blends enterprise-level financial protection with user-friendly functionality to make staking easy for everyone. In the Asian market, the network has gained a reputation as a safe alternative. HashQuark's servers are distributed internationally to ensure the highest degree of security for its users.


HashQuark, however, is extremely stable. Stakeholders are concerned about stability for a variety of reasons. Networks can primarily penalize nodes that are unable to stay online and offer reliable services to the network. These penalties will reduce your rewards and make the staking phase a waste of time.

HashQuark's developers built in an automated maintenance and control system to address these concerns. This protocol guarantees continuous uptime and has the ability to upgrade the network in real time. Users of HashQuark gain trust in the platform's capabilities and profitability in this way.


Users of HashQuark also have access to a large number of blockchains. The protocol is currently supported by all popular PoS blockchains. ETH 2.0, Cosmos, VeChain, Wanchain, Harmony, Celo, Polkadot, Band Protocol, Kava, IOST, V Systems, TomoChain, IoTeX, Dash, Cardano, IRISnet, Qtum, EOS, Decred, Tezos, Nuls, Matic Network, Edgeware, and SKALE are among the blockchains listed.

Simple set-up

HashQuark's one-click setup and deployment is one of its strongest features. The company was successful in eliminating all technological obstacles to staking on DPoS networks. To be eligible for staking incentives, token holders do not need to do anything other than store tokens in their accounts. HashQuark's creators have incorporated a personalized automated revenue settlement mechanism to ensure that all consumers receive the highest possible incentives.


The network's free 24/7 service would be appreciated by new users. These services will help you streamline the onboarding process. These services may also be used to help you better track nodes or other DPoS upgrades that could have an effect on your ROIs.

How it works

HashQuark enlists the help of SuperNodes to complete these tasks quickly and safely. Consider a SuperNode to be a company-hosted node that allows anyone to pool funds and split staking rewards with other users. The amount of incentives you earn is determined by how much cryptocurrency you stake and how long you stake it.

In certain cases, staking necessitates the continuous operation of a node. These specifications necessitate the purchase of a dependable computer and internet access. Due to their venue, some users are unable to access the above. When you use HashQuark, these issues aren't an issue since you can use the company's cloud computing systems to run a decentralized cloud node. Blockchain specialists in specialist data centers around the world manage and run cloud nodes.

How to use it

You must first visit HashQuark's website before you can begin using it. There is no need to register. The portal will display all of the DPoS blockchains that are currently supported. Choose the network that best suits your needs. From there, you'll be directed to a page that explains the network's specific features of HashQuark's SuperNode.

The page will then provide you with a direct link to the staking portal for the blockchain ecosystem. You'll be able to choose HashQuark as your delegated staking Validator here. After that, you simply enter the amount you want to stake and the length of time you want to play for, and you're ready to go.

Final thoughts

It's easy to see why HashQuark is so popular as DPoS blockchains gain traction. People want to be a part of these networks and earn a passive income without having to learn a lot of technical jargon. HashQuark allows even inexperienced users to complete this task in minutes. For these reasons, HashQuark is expected to remain one of Asia's top DPoS staking options in the foreseeable future.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: DPoS
