Noise.Cash: Abusing the System

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Thoughts

When started, many are amazed about their feature or lets say their main feature. Tipping. became popular when 2021 started, some youtubers started to make a content about to be shared to their viewers and with a title: "Earn Money By Copying and Pasting".

Others even have "farming tricks" to be able to have a passive or continous income. But, all of that started to fall when decided to restrict all of that.

First they restrict what others do, copy and pasting. Some are marked as spammers and not be able to have a Free Tips, others became "Not Eligible" for not posting a quality content. People started to be disappointed and posting "this is my only way to earn money".

Even all of that update, spammers really think they are the queen and kings. They still spamming and copying and paste, posting just a one word. Making many many accounts just for a cent, tipping their self.

They dont really know what really is. What really is

  1. Noise.Cash is a microblogging website, in a word "blog" then it should be something interesting but short.

  2. Noise.Cash main goal is to introduce Bitcoin Cash.

  3. Noise.Cash is making the community come along, they are putting community together.

  4. Noise.Cash is not a JOB. is generous enough for the spammers and giving them one more chance when the "not eligible" feature removed. But then, spammers really is something and they are all about money. is not a job, and it will always just for extra money. Dont take it as a job because you will not earn a stable income specially when you are a spammer.

We hope that others will know what the true meaning and objective of

$ 0.01
$ 0.01 from @omcrypto1
Avatar for Yopie
Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Thoughts


noisecash is not job. correctly

$ 0.00
3 years ago