Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ecosystem: Top  Articles for Bitcoin Cash

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Avatar for Yndnope
3 years ago

One week ago, I started writing an article for the theme “Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ecosystem”. The aim is to discuss facts, issues, opportunities, campaigns, adoption, and everything about components of the BCH ecosystem. There are a lot of stories that surround this theme that I think I'll be able to create topics of some value to me and to my audience. My first article for this theme is entitled “Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Ecosystem 101: No Point Of Failure”. 

In continuation for this topic, I’ll take a look here in this platform for available articles that are related to this theme. Since ‘read’ has started we back 2019, I think there are an abundance of articles written either by amateur or seasoned writers that are maybe awful or impressive but helpful to all of us. However, I will not gauge and judge the quality of an article because I’m not in the position to do so, I don’t have the qualification either, and it’s not the point of this article. My aim is to jump start to specific topics related to this theme. So, I have to start somewhere and this is Do Your Own Research (DYOR) activity.

Tools and Methods

My search started by using the search parameter *Earn Bitcoin Cash* . Search filters include relevance,  limited to articles or posts, and authored or posted by everybody. Search parameters were entered in the search bar of the ‘read’ site, and results are refined by using or ensuring the mentioned filters. In the search results, only the top 50 articles were considered. Articles were manually selected in consideration to the number of upvotes, comments, and tipped amount, and encoded to spreadsheet for sorting according to the selected criteria.

Results and Discussion

The search criteria yields were more than a hundred search results. The '' site search result’s page was not designed to organize search results into pages, the list seems endless search results up to the irrelevant articles.

Here are some interesting finds from the results:

Top 3 Tipped Articles

  1. Article Title: Roger Ver Interview: Roger's Portfolio, $1000 fees on BTC, Earn Bitcoin Cash Interest, CashFusion

    Writer/Author: @ColinTalksCrypto

    T.Amount: $201.81

  2. Article Title: The year 2020-2021: My Bitcoin Cash Journey

    Writer/Author: @gerl

    T.Amount: $8.86

  3. Article Title: My Three Months of Making Noise While Earning Bitcoin Cash

    Writer/Author: @gerl

    T.Amount: $6.74

Top 3 Articles with Other User Engagements

  1. Article Title: Roger Ver Interview: Roger's Portfolio, $1000 fees on BTC, Earn Bitcoin Cash Interest, CashFusion

    Writer/Author: @ColinTalksCrypto

    Comments’ Count: 21

  2. Article Title: Ways to Earn Bitcoin Cash

    Writer/Author: @Vanjinks

    Comments’ Count: 17

  3. Article Title: EARN Bitcoin Cash For FREE!!!

    Writer/Author: @CryptoHunter

    Comments’ Count: 13

Top 3 Upvoted Articles

  1. Article Title: Roger Ver Interview: Roger's Portfolio, $1000 fees on BTC, Earn Bitcoin Cash Interest, CashFusion

    Writer/Author: @ColinTalksCrypto

    No of Upvotes: 21

  2. Article Title: Ways to Earn Bitcoin Cash

    Writer/Author: @Vanjinks

    Comments’ Count: 17

  3. (Tie) Article Title: The year 2020-2021: My Bitcoin Cash Journey

    Writer/Author: @gerl

    Comments’ Count: 16

(Tie) Article Title: My Three Months of Making Noise While Earning Bitcoin Cash
Writer/Author: @gerl
Comments’ Count: 16

There are articles that don't gain traction from other users and / or from Rusty. There are others that are being upvoted, or given comments,  and/or tipped, but the numbers are almost negligible. The reasons as to why these articles are the top ones, or why others don’t, are not considered in this simple DYOR activity.

My Thoughts Sketch

Why this search parameter? This is because among the top 10 blog’s niche topics is related to personal finance, income, or building wealth. I’m also fascinated by this topic particularly on semi-passive or passive earning or income strategies. 

Where is the gap? Where is the opportunity? As of now I really don’t figure out how to gain traction from big sponsors and contributors for an article that discusses Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and its components. I see an opportunity, however, that a unique story of personal experience of the different BCH services availed or tried could somehow attract other users to read and put a premium on your work. 

Thank you!

$ 8.46
$ 8.35 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @MizLhaine
$ 0.05 from @Kaya
+ 1
Avatar for Yndnope
3 years ago


I see also that most are paying articles if they writing about BCH.A lot of members wrote and still writing about this coin but I am not such expert in coins,so I write articles with different topics.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I truly appreciate your response and reaction here. It happens that my topic for this article is about BCH Ecosystem. Per experience, I also have articles that discuss topics beyond BCH and cryptocurrency but still found some encouragement from Rusty. Thank you.

$ 0.00
3 years ago