Plant your food ( Gardening 101)

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This pandemic causes a huge damage to us. Many of us were not generating income because of the Enhanced Community Quarantine. Everyday was struggle for those who have no savings in their wallets. Many of us were complaining about the food that they will going to eat.

If you are in a province. It is more easier to access food. Theres a lot of vegetables and fruits that you can pick or get or buy in a small costs.

But it is more convenient and hassle free if we will going to plant in our own backyard. Plant your food. In this time of pandemic, you have more time to do gardening. Instead of wasting your time doing such nonsense thing. Why be productive?

My father and my husband started to plant some vegetables in our backyard. They plant eggplant, papaya, calamansi, camote tops, chili and saluyot and moringa. They planted it a month ago and now we already harvested it except from the eggplant and papaya. The eggplant has a flower already and Im so excited to make an eggplant cake soon.

This picture was taken a month ago. My husband watering the plants and my son is watching him. He also wants to water the plants. What a great bonding isn't it?

As of now, even my neighborhood were picking in our mini farm for free ofcourse.

Theres a lot of benifits when you plant.

You save your money. You also inspire other people to plant too. You help your neighboorhood and because of the plants there are more oxygen in your backyard.

Yesterday I saw a dragonfly while I pick some moringa leaves. I am glad because having a dragonfly in your place means that the air is clean and the ecosystem is okay.

I am encouraging you to plant not only vegetables and fruits but also trees. Mother earth will love it.

Thats all!

Spread love

-- Mommy Yen

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