My first payment in ReadCash

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Written by
4 years ago

Let me start this article by saying how grateful I am to know this site. Its been a week since I signed up here and its my 3rd day writing an article.

As of this moment I am still exploring this site. I know I really need to learn more.

I am happy that my articles were paid off.

Its one of the matters that encourage content creators to create more and not just creating but to publish a quality work.ReadCash

My first payment tru Coins.PH

Today I received my first payment of ReadCash. Its 1.50$ . A little amount but I am happy with all of my heart. I am a full time mom and trying a different money earning sites. Im so thankful that I found ReadCash. A very legit site.

Thank you for the sponsors, investor and all the part of ReadCash who provide funds for this site.

- Mommy Yen.

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Written by
4 years ago


It is good to hear you got paid and are happy with it. May it encourage you to write better, longer articles. An article counts a certain amount of words. This is more like an announcement. You could have added some info on how you received it, etc the steps you took. You need to change it into a different cryptocurrency or... Before you can spend it? Are there fees?

Good luck 🍀

$ 0.00
4 years ago

I appreciate your suggestions. I am so just so excited to post it not knowing that I need to be more specific on details.

$ 0.00
User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

FYI When you want to reply to somebody - you need to click "Reply" - otherwise the user (@wakeupkitty) won't get a notification that you replied ;)

$ 0.00
4 years ago

Im sincerely apologize for what I've done. I'll do it next time. I appreciate this comment. Have a good day ahead.

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User's avatar Yen
4 years ago

There's no need to apologize :) it's just an advice

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4 years ago