Mom Poems from Daughter

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Mom and daughter relationships are complex because the daughter looks to her mother as a role model of what a woman is. As she grows up and sees other women who live their lives differently, she chooses between imitating her mother or other significant influences in her life. As an adolescent she may come to look down on her mother and think that other woman are much better. Of course she is not a fully grown woman so she does not understand the challenges and choices that her mother faces. It is only when she herself becomes a woman that she can fully appreciate her mother.

A mother loves right from the start. No matter if her children are near or far apart. A mother gives never-ending love. She gives us comfort and peace like a beautiful dove. For us she will always do her best. Even when we put her patience to the test. She wipes our tears,Chases away our fears, Encourages us to follow a dream, No matter how far fetched it may seem. Her gifts can never compare to any other. I am so honored to call her my mother. Looking back on another year,I was so lucky to have a mother so dear.So Mom, on your special day, relax and enjoy

And always know that I couldn't have asked for any other. More incredible person to call my mother.

I Love You my dearest mother.

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i missed my daughter... Continue writing an article.

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4 years ago

My heart was touched by reading story. Mum and daughter relation is very sweet. Thanks writer this article is very nice.

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4 years ago

Thank you. I really want to share about my life, I mean to be a parent. My little angel is so sweet. Please support my other articles. Thank you.

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4 years ago