The Link between Success and Prayer

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Avatar for Yanadya
3 years ago

"Prayers that are answered are one of the inviolable sources of divine power. No matter how hard humans try, if Allah wishes it differently then his efforts will be in vain. "

Prayer brings convenience

“There is no success without hard work. There is no success without being together. There is no convenience without prayer. "

Success is always preceded and accompanied by hard work. Success is rarely found through instant effort.

Unless you are very lucky or you are undertaking a gambling venture (perhaps).

Besides working hard, you also need partners and help from people around you, including work partners and family.

Don't forget there is advice that says that humans try but God determines.

Surrender the final result of all that you have done to Allah SWT.

Pray a lot so that God will always accompany you in achieving success.

Prayers That Are Not Fully Answered Tests from God If you pray but your prayers are not fully answered, keep trying and be grateful for the results you have gotten.

People who are grateful will never give up on the blessings that Allah has given them, even though they are not always as expected.

There is a great secret of God behind the gifts we get. Don't give up hope and pray and keep doing your best for your efforts.

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