About Night and empity Heart

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Avatar for Yanadya
3 years ago

Let's talk about the night, a fragment of time that always keeps a million stories for human children. Night, a brief flash of time, but has great meaning for the earth and humans. Tonight is not like usual. It was hotter, unlike the weeks or months that had passed. The city starts to sweat tonight. Could this be due to the rise of human civilization, which makes more and more machines roar from time to time, and give off "heat"? Or is it because the geothermal energy is rising? I don't know for sure, but it's pretty hot tonight. in a cup of coffee and fried banana sitting in front of the terrace staring at the sky 'lots of stars but still my heart is empty at night I ask how this heart does not feel empty but the night does not answer only the dark starts to get darker. is this a sign of rain or just a stroke of an empty heart answer to my question at night.

Night. What's with the night? Night may be for some people is something scary. Understandably, night is always synonymous with black, dark, and dark. Night often leaves long, heartbreaking stories. But not forever the night is dark. Evening can also mean a source of inspiration.

I feel the wind starting to blow in the night what is the meaning of the gusts of wind that you are aiming at me 'still asking at night it is still quiet even though the star is glowing I don't understand what's wrong with my heart and tonight .. it's not lonely nor feels crowded and there is no pain ..Hey night what is this why tonight I feel empty and why the wind still feels hot to me.

Hey night i think i got tired waiting for ue answer but you won't give me that ..so i am give up .. though i need go to inside and hiding my self from you till morning coming and make me wake up with no empity feels as i feels now when u come and just let me feels your dark .. bye night see you later . My bed calling me now :)

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