by the way, Unfortunately, I introduced this site in this article.
But today I want to show you that this site is a scam.
so don't waste your time and money on it.
well for making an account you just need to enter your bitcoin address.
and press start mining.
now you have a free plane but you can't withdraw until your balance rich the 0.002.
the free plan has 100 GH/s.
and if you buy a 1000 GH/s with 0.0005 BTC it will appear here.
ok! you reached your balance to like; 0.0021 and you want to withdraw your balance...
But you can't!
see? the site wants to upgrade your account without a logical reason.
also you can read more HERE.
Have a good day by the way and stay safe.
Then please correct your old article so that nobody follows your recommendation. The vast majority of sites that promise free BTC are scam. I do not understand why so many people fall for it.