We all have someone in our life, oh I know we have many ones in our life but I mean, "someone" is a special kind of someone *wink* *wink* haha
Who inspires us
Who motivates us
Who loves us
Who is with us
When we are happy
When we are sad
When we are neutral xD
When we are alone
When we are in crowd
When it's winter
When it's summer
When it's a flood
When it's a drought
When it's sunny
When it's raining
Who teaches us
some good deeds
some good words
some bad deeds
some bad words
some love
some hate
who cooks
who cleans
who loves
who scold
But doesn't matter what
He/she loves us always
throughout our thick and thins
You'll never find yourself alone
If you have that someone in your life
I was someone who never believed in love, till I felt it. The day I realized I like a particular person in fact it wasn't even me who made me realize it because I was always like "What's love?" "I don't believe in love" " I'll never love someone" "I'll just earn a lot and eat a lot" "I can do everything by myself" "I don't need anyone"
and much more like this.
Then a friend of mine made me realize that I like one of our mutual friends, I pondered, pondered, and pondered again till I realized she was right. But for some reason, we didn't end up together but fortunately, I met someone even better. At first, I just felt respected and cared but soon something changed and you can imagine what happened next lol
I think that's the story of every teenager haha nobody believes in love at first but then all that 3+ rated stuff and everything haha
Enough for today, will be back tomorrow with a longer article and a better one, don't mind this nonsense anyway haha