Ways to earn Bitcoin Cash!!!

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Avatar for Xavierzyxks
3 years ago

Earning cryptocurrency has become common and of course popular among crypto enthusiasts.Tasks and Jobs in exchange of cryptocurrency is also beginning to boom in marketplaces.

If you are a dilligent crypto hunter you will surely stumble upon one or more ways to earn Bitcoin Cash wether on freelance works or with online interactions!

Let me show you some of them:

  1. Content Creation and Sharing

Being sociable by creating and sharing contents is a popular way to earn Bitcoin. Platforms such as memo.cash and read .cash offers free postings and can earn you bitcoins from cash tips also from other users. Some platforms offer different ways to earn Bitcoins, for example popular content and those who first discover it will earn more because it costs a small amount of BCH to upvote other people's posts. With the payment going to early voters and content creators.

  1. Tasks and Bounties!

There are also platforms that give out BCH to their users provided that they will complete a certain task online. Some popular task sites are: Taskopus, Lazy fox, and divert. These sites offers tasks from beta testing upcoming video games to bug reporting. Users has an option also to download decentralized marketplace Taskopus and pay each other Bitcoin Cash for carrying out desktop based tasks. Because Taskopus is newer you may need more time to learn its tricks but will surely lead you to more interesting tasks.

And for those with cyber hunting skills, bounty hunting is a BCH rich way to earn it. You can find several Bounties on bitcoin.com. There's one that offers up to 408,6356BCH . The catch is you need to be more than the average cyber buff to complete these kinds of tasks, but your payout will be way far larger!

3. Old fashioned way of BCH earnings!

The simplest way to earn Bitcoin Cash is to ask your boss or your employer to pay you in crypto currency. There are also online platforms that deals with freelance works that claims they pay you in crypto currency . Example is freelance for coins, but you must be the right guy for the job before you can earn a lucrative Bitcoin Cash pay day!!

Another simple way of earning Bitcoin Cash is by selling goods or services online in exchange for Bitcoin Cash. Coingate and Bitpay help merchants accept bitcoin cash on their website.

  1. Trading Bitcoin Cash

Last but definitely not the least is trading your bitcoin cash for flat currencies directly with other people which could potentially be a lucrative way to earn Bitcoin Cash.

What are your favourite ways to earn Bitcoin Cash?

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Avatar for Xavierzyxks
3 years ago


Earning cryptocurrency has become common and of course popular among crypto enthusiasts.Tasks and Jobs in exchange of cryptocurrency is also beginning to boom in marketplaces.

If you are a dilligent crypto hunter you will surely stumble upon one or more ways to earn Bitcoin Cash wether on freelance works or with online interactions!

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3 years ago