The Benefits outweigh the risks

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2 years ago

At the start of this global menace or commonly known also as the pandemic, im quite sure that everyone will agree when I borrow the expression '' we are sitting ducks'' yes we are so helpless that even scientists where caught off guard, and those on the frontlines are fighting the virus with guns but without bullets, even those medical experts succumbed to this enemy of minute proportions but gigantic in devastation capability.

Like a real battle where sometimes lives had to be sacrifice in order to create a better strategy to defeat the opponent. Involuntary thousands had perished before we finally little by little saw a glimpse of light at the end of a very dark and long tunnel.

Scientists around the world scrambled and start the race against time to develop a vaccine against this deadly virus, At last some good news, their efforts did not go into waste for they had developed a vaccine against this virus that is wrecking havoc around the planet.

The development of the vaccine was seen as a hope to end this virus and a moral booster to the medical community because the health care institutions of many countries are starting to collapse.

But we are not out of the dark woods yet, for we need to inoculate as many people as possible to slow and even to possibly stop the virus. But here lies the deep sinkhole of doubt, people start to have reservations about the possible life saving vaccine because they focused more on the rare adverse effects of the newly developed vaccine rather than the ten fold benefits of getting a vaccine.

But as time pass by the light become even more clearer on the vaccine for it is bringing the number of infected cases down, marking the start of the successful development of vaccine agae this virus.

And we are all witness to the undeniable evidence of the vaccines benefits outweighing the risks.


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